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Husband stabs wife 15 times for seeking divorce

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Husband stabs wife 15 times for seeking divorce



Dubai: A trial court heard yesterday that a husband stabbed his wife 15 times because she asked for a divorce.


"Killing you is better than divorcing you," the husband reportedly shouted, who was drinking heavily at that time, the court heard. "How dare you call the police. I am your husband. You are an impolite woman," the 20-year-old Somali wife, F.A., quoted her husband in her statement to the Dubai Public Prosecution.


The court charged the 23-year-old Somali husband, A.H., with consuming liquor and attempting to murder his wife in a hotel room.


F.A. who was saved after she was rushed to hospital said: "My husband asked me to come to the hotel and meet his uncle. We quarrelled over a juice bottle which I suspected contained liquor. Besides, his uncle was not there."


She said her husband was outraged when she asked him for divorce "because of his drinking. He locked the door from inside ... then repeatedly stabbed me until I passed out," alleged the wife who was treated for injuries in her thigh, wrist, belly, chest and face.

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Subhanallah! what an ordeal!,Its clear when one is further from Allah,one looses all sense of reality..I dont understand why men become so possessive when their wives want divorce..I remember a case of a Pakistani man that not only killed the wife but his children as well!

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Ms DD   

Alcohol..the mother of all evils..some said. It appears a case of 'if i cant have you, no one will'. I hope he gets what is coming to him.

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just that ???



He should be jailed at least for 10 good years ,,, i tried his best to kill her ,, means he almost killed her ,,,,,



the wife who was treated for injuries in her thigh, wrist, belly, chest and face.

Look at the horrorism in him ,,,,,,,,,,

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He will be deported after he has served his time. They'll never allow him back again. If you create trouble over there, they want you out of the country any which way possible.

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subhanalaah there are such people out there. May Allah protect us from those kind of ppl.


insha-allah his wife will be alright, let's make a du' for her.


As for that drunk somali brother, I guess three years in prison is justtified since he didn't kill her, and from what I heard arabs are heartless. I am sure he is gonna have one hell ofa time in the prison lol, serves him though.


wa salaamu alaikum

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He is even a failure at killing. How could you stab someone 15 times, and not end their life. I doubt he will face any justice. Maybe he will get his due upon his return to somalia. Some Jiri or M-ooryaan will put one in his dumb skull.

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Mac sonkor!. I think this comes with the job when a woman shares life with a ruthless alkuliiste. Look at any alkuliiste wife and you see her life stamped with life-time misery. I have seen many miserable housewifes & their life with alcoholics, however, the story of one of these underprivileged housewifes I will never forget in my entire life. It was in Copenhagen back in 1999, I had this somali family right next to me, my next door neighbor. The guy was aggresive alcoholic and each time this punk came home drunk he start beating the hell out of her. 2 block away you can still hear her waawareey, even at times she was pregnant. She is a very attractive and pretty young woman, with two beautiful kids for this abuser. Then when you see her in the morning or afternoon with blacken & swollen eyes, cant walk proberly and you ask her if she is OK or what had happened to her (of cource I know what had happened to her) then she will come up all sorts of lies jaranjartan ka soo duulay, maxamad deeq aa digsi wajiga iigu dhuftay etc...etc.. each time I felt so sorry for her to see her in that alarming condition. There were many ways I could help her, but she was not interested or willing scared most of his reactions if he finds out. A danish neighbor once called the cops and reporting domestic vialonce against his neighboring woman by her husband and when the cops came then there she is denying everything. A big embarrasment to the helping hand and wasting officers' time. Anyway I moved from there but the last time I saw her in the town she looked stressed out, looked 20 yrs older then her actual age. Who to blame all this? none but herself!. well it is right when they say lax waliba meeshii aay isdhigto aa lagu gowracaa

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^^Goodness, aren't we judgmental today. Do you know that the majority of domestic homicides are committed against women after they flee their abusive husbands? Maybe the poor lax has a more realistic outlook on life than you.

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^Well then, the next time you see her you can tell her she has nothing to fear because he's not Pakistani.

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