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Krauthammer’s “Morality�!

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Krauthammer’s “Moralityâ€

Friday, July 28th, 2006 in News by Justin Raimondo


Comparing the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah guerrillas to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Charles Krauthammer weighs in on the Israeli reponse:


“Disproportionate? No. When one is wantonly attacked by an aggressor, one has every right — legal and moral — to carry the fight until the aggressor is disarmed and so disabled that it cannot threaten one’s security again. That’s what it took with Japan.â€


Let’s apply the principle enunciated here to everyday human relations. Say I “capture†your wallet on a crowded bus, and make for the back in an effort to evade your attention. In pursuit, you push over a few old ladies, floor a woman carrying a baby, and trample several young and rather small children. Not only that, but you start shooting — and hit five or six people without landing a bullet on me.


According to the Krauthammerian moral doctrine, you are perfectly within your rights. After all, I am “hiding among civilians,†just as Krauthammer alleges is Hezbollah’s favorite tactic. Besides which, those “civilians,†who know perfectly well that I’m a pickpocket — this bus line has been plagued with them recently — have done nothing to stop me. They let me pass, and isn’t this a form of collaboration? As the Israeli “Justice†Minister Haim Ramon, in advocating that villages under attack by the IDF should be “flattened,†put it:


“Israel had given the civilians of southern Lebanon ample time to quit the area and therefore anyone still remaining there could be considered a Hezbollah supporter. ‘All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah,’ Mr Ramon said.â€


There aren’t “innocent civilians†in the back of the bus, and anyone who gets in your way is fair game. You finally get to the back row, and find I’ve locked myself in the bathroom. You’re out of ammunition, but luckily you remembered to take your switchblade: this is used to persuade the bus driver to hand over the key. You, of course, have a perfect right to hold all the passengers on that bus hostage: after all, you must “carry the fight until the aggressor is disarmed and so disabled that it cannot threaten one’s security again.â€


According to the logic of Krauthammer’s moral creed, you have the right to blow up the bus and everyone in it provided the threat to your security, i.e. the pickpocket, is eliminated, which is precisely what Israel is doing to Lebanon.




If individuals engaged in the behavior exhibited by Israel in Lebanon, they would be prosecuted and imprisoned in order to protect the public. No doubt Krauthammer believes Israel’s status as a state grants it transcendence over a legal and moral code meant for mere mortals. But of course a state can be guilty of war crimes, which Israel is surely committing as I write. (Or is Krauthammer now joining the “revisionists†in repudiating the war crimes trials at Nuremberg?)

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^^^ Interesting article...Just couple of days ago I was discussing with someone about the Mideast war...and one mentioned that "Hizbollah to be a terrorist group" Then my question was " what is the definition of terrorist? ". My question was not about the defiintion of terrorist according to muslims or non-western communities but the Western point of view? and according to that, which one would be qualified as terrorist Hizbollah or Israel?


You can gues what the outcome was :eek: !!!



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This is how the State deprtment defines : -


Terrorism: Definitions


No one definition of terrorism has gained universal acceptance. For the purposes of this report, however, we have chosen the definition of terrorism contained in Title 22 of the United States Code, Section 2656f(d). That statute contains the following definitions:


The term "terrorism" means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant/*/ targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.


The term "international terrorism" means terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than one country.


The term "terrorist group" means any group practicing, or that has significant subgroups that practice, international terrorism.


Domestic terrorism is probably a more widespread phenomenon than international terrorism. Because international terrorism has a direct impact on US interests, it is the primary focus of this report. However, the report also describes, but does not provide statistics on, significant developments in domestic terrorism.


So techincally, No State can ever be a terrorist :eek: :eek: and what about Iran and Syria according to the US... They (Irand and Syria) Sponsor terrorism but they are not terrorist themselves!!!


Interesting way of defining Terrorism you will say...



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And..I thought I may add this article to this related topic...and I think is was a big story in UK...could the UK nomads tell us more about it.


How US sacked Jack Straw



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The prime minister of Uk is the mouthpiece of US's state department. the American have overall control of UK foreign policy, so no wonder if they sack Jack Straw who was predominately electcted by Muslims in up north - in Blackburn, they can even sack and install anyone they want, as Isrealis runs the US foreign policy, did anybody think that John Bolton works in UN other than Isreal.

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Jack Straw was demoted because his opinions were not pro-american enough and he has a tendencay to criticise Israel.

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