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Deeq A.

Advertisement: Somalia - A Country Forgotten by the World

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Deeq A.   

Canadian Friends of Somalia cordially invites to mark International

Human Rights Day with us on Monday December 11, 2006 from 6:00-9:00

p.m. on Parliament Hill West Block (room 200).


As you're all well aware, the possibility of an impeding crisis in

Somalia requires an organized international response. This year's

conference " Somalia - A Country Forgotten by the World" will focus

on a range of crosscutting issues of interest and concern to various

stakeholders in Canada.


The Honorable Jack Layton, Senator Mobina Jaffer, and Ambassador of

the Republic of Yemen his Excellency Dr. Abdulla Nasher, Rahim Jaffer,

Chair of the national Conservative caucus, Hon. Martin Official

Opposition Critic for Foreign Affairs will be joined by special guest

speakers from the NGO community, Parliamentarians, and Somali leaders.

(See invitation)


We apologize for the late notice. Recognizing that this is a busy time

of year, we would be very appreciative if you could join us and an

estimated audience of 300 Diplomat, Government Representatives, NGOs

representative, and Community member as we discuss this pressing issue.


Some of the topics that this year's conference will address:

Opportunities and Challenges of NGO's and IGO's in Fragile States

Conflict Prevention and Resolution

Somali Women in War and Peacemaking

Religion and Peace-building,

Innocence Lost The Effects of War on Children

Role of Diaspora Community in Reconciliation/Reconstruction efforts

Role of Media in War-making and Peace-keeping

Canadian Role in Fragile States


You will find enclosed an invitation. We ask that you RSVP at by December 8th, 2006 . You may reach

us at (613) 878-1960 with questions. We hope that you and your

colleagues will be able to join us on the 11th.




Farah Aw-Osman


Canadian Friends of Somalia

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