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Shy Women

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JB you forgot the article:


"If you are shy, you will be perceived as weak, less friendly, not interested, or just plain "boring" -simply because you don't know what to say in social situations.


Because of these are other negative traits associated with shyness, men rarely if ever give the shy woman the opportunity to know whether she can be "upbeat and nice to be with" once he actually got to know her.


The shy woman gives the impression of being inferior and less able to succeed and provide for him and men feel a certain level of contempt, sometimes overt, but sometimes residing deep at a subconscious level for shy women. Men aren't as warm as we're led to believe. They are most often hard as nails. That's another reason why jerks are more successful.


Simply put a shy woman is simply unattractive to men because of her display of social awkwardness.


Jerks are never shy. Since the jerks don't care about anyone else, they have nothing to lose, and can approach men in a completely relaxed and confident way...And men LOVE jerks.


Men are eager to reject shy women. I wonder how a shy man feels?


There is one element of shyness that might serve you well though - the desire be trusted and liked for you are. But most often will have nothing to do with that. But there is that rare case from time to time.


Men say, "Nice girls are boring because they lack confidence, assertiveness and sexual passion."


You need to ask yourself, "Are Men really worth all this trouble?" Many women are saying NO these days. The women who get the guys end up more miseable than the ladies who don't."

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Shyyttt ,, you are ruining my topic now. That is about the shy men not a shy women unless ay iskaga kaa qaldameen which is very dangerous ,,, :D

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Okay!..those images of kids as women are somewhat disturbing,especially that little girl with the blue masaar.. :rolleyes:


So the article he posted on General was about women not men?..double :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

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so wot was the point of all these women? even though I am sure the first lady lives around my area somewhere...i wonder if she knows she's on some random somali website for no reason at all?

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:




Are they shy, or ilko maafiish? Yaa iri isku celiya qosolka? Women need to laugh. It helps us forget how unjust our world can be ie; we're paid less, work more, in charge of kids, men, home, food. We gotta laugh and LOUD or we'd go insane! Naqaska wa in la iska saaraa.. xishoodka xaal ha qaato.

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