Che -Guevara

PM Rooble to take over the electoral process and security

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If  the so called opposition doesn't change the narrative and move forward to create an atmosphere of peace and order, the election squabble will drag on for a long time.

At this stage, what they need  to do is cooperate with the prime minister and create a credible election road map and schedule. But, if they kept talking about reorganizing the government or the security chiefs, that will create a new set back. 

They must understand that while Rooble is mandated constitutionally to lead the country to election, he himself is a care taker premier whose mandate has ended. He can't shuffle the cabinet or form a new cabinet. When an election date is announced, the current regime will manage the nation until an elected president and premier take over. To force him to create a new government will delay the election work and consume his limited time.

To demand the firing of the police and security command for tribal reasons is futile for future government. The army and the police didn't fire or shoot any unarmed civilians in this squabble. For example if the parliament want to convene and pass a motion, it is not  the role of the police to stop them from their meeting. The opposition has a right to reject the motion and the extension. Now,  do you want the police chief to be fired by allowing the parliament to convene or keep the peace?

The next elected government will have the mandate to appoint their security chiefs, until then it is logical to keep the status quo. If they trust the premier, then let him command the security and give him the benefit of the doubt. 

Anything beyond that encouraging anarchy'.



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A small group of Haramcad defected today. Warlords are becoming emboldened again. The reality is the 'opposition is only interested in stopping Farmajo's candidacy.  Even if Farmajo was to go, they have no plan. What's Tarzan said. They will turn each other.

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A national security problem, recruiting these from Mogadishu clans only. 

It was obvious problem, ciidanka qaranku dhinac buu ka raranyahay.

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Ra'iisal Wasaare Rooble oo shir isugu yeeray madaxda Dowlad Gobolleedyada


Ra'iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Maxamed Xusseen Rooble  kulan waddatashi ah iskugu yeeray madaxda maamul goboleedyada iyo gobolka Banaadir 20-ka bishan May.

Afhayeenka dawladda Maxamed Ibraahim Macallimu ayaa qoraal uu soo saaray ku sheegay in Ra'iisal Wasaare Rooble ahmiyad gaar ah siinayo dhaqan gelinta Heshiiskii 17-kii September ee hagayay hannaanka doorashooyinka dalka.

Madaxweynaha Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa maalintii shalay Golaha Shacacbka ka hor sheegay in mas'uuliyadii doorashada uu ku wareejiyay Ra'iisal Wasaare Rooble, arintaa oo muddo dheerba si is daba joog ah u dalbanayeen siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka.

Ra'iisal Wasaare Rooble ayaa si loo soo afjaro ismariwaagii siyaasadeed ee ka dhashay muddo korarsiga ku raacay ayaa ku raacay madaxda dowlad gobolleedyada in dib loogu laabto hannaankii doorashada 17ka Siteembar.


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