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Arab Investments Transforming Africa Since 9/11: Golden Opportunity?

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Have so-called third world countries finally found a clear alternative to economic neo-colonialism, characterized by investments limited to sectors with quick returns, given the ever rising strenght of Arab Capital concomitant with soaring oil prices and their unprejudicied commitment for the long term (so crucial, for instance in the light of degrading Food Security witnessed worldwide)?



If they are eager to invest in expensive greenhouse technology in desertic Djibouti, could we not convince them to develop the Juba-Shabelle region with its Potential to Easily Feed the whole Sub-Saharan Africa, provided of course an independent Somalia (which already secured food self-sufficiency in the 80s, signing a reciprocal agreement with algeria in that field)?



Here is a relevant "France 24" video in English: Djibouti's Boom fuelled by Arab Capital.

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If the return is from solid sources (hotels, port operations, airport operations, tourism) then the gulf countries will be interested. I don't think they will care much for advancing agricultural development in Somalia.

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There is a growing awareness as well as a wide consensus among experts, that the IMF, WTO, World Bank and other Western controlled organizations's policies have been an unmitigated disaster both for the World Most Vulnerable groups and Economic Stability & Development (not mentioning the deliberately engineered failure of agricultural markets and worldwide, record inflation).



Somalia Economy already Revolves around Livestock and other Exports towards the Gulf, a region of exceptional population growth (high fertility rates coupled with low mortality).



Yet, their booming market means our agricultural potential will be at an even higher premium, since oil is a finite resource hardly adequate for Desert Farming through sea water desalination (Saudi Arabia just abandoned wheat farming through that medium)!

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