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'We can no longer afford to hire maids'

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It is a bit exagerated but it happens,


I have seen many somalis,including girls, asking for food...Caloosha bay ku wareejin markay ku dhahaan mudo wax ma cunin, but the number of illegal immigrants dropped after the amnesty last year.


Soomaali meel ayjoogta waa hoogtay. :(

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

Philippines: Dh1,470,that is abt $400 a month,Still it is not that expensive. what about Somalis? what is their rate?


I thought
had a Somali maid? walee UAE dadku waa lazy, a single man with a maid! :confused:

Dabshid smile.gif , waar waa sidee walays xantaye. Almuhim, wallaahi the best to recruit are the Somalis maids, I dont mean to exploit them or take away their rights. But, the truth remains that they are a back bone for large families in terms of finance. And, they are more than happy to work. Taasna, wax ku jaban maleh qof shaqysanya. smile.gif by the way, Somali women never like to recruit Somali maids as they are so possessive. Northner, your opinion of not recruiting a maid is also Ok, they are a burden in somehow for you have to secure their rights and be very responsible.

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loool Jacaylbro, saaxiib maxaad reerka iiga burburinysaa. And, your sister in law is somewhere 2 steps away from me. By the way, dont hijack the thread dee smile.gif Otherwise, Northner wuu xanaaqayaa lol he does not like seeing his threads beig hijacked!

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^^ :D


We know Somali families with two or three house maids. One to cook, one to clean and one to look after the kids!

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I only wish I could afford to hire a maid, do you think I'd be worried if she was Filipino or Indian? LOL I'd just be happy to know my house was getting cleaned!!

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loool@ Northner, they must be cryzy and very lazy. In fact, I have read some ppl talking about Somali girls here in Dubai. I think, they should not have taken it that level. The simple answer to many problems in our society, is that. What do you expect from a war thorn countery. I beleive, Somalis are the best and most decent ppl with such tragedy. Waayo, never ever, will you see a Somali man beggin in the street. Where, forget about the Arabs, or other Asians, but the GCC countries citizen begging in the streets. Secondly, one or two or even 20 bad boys and girls is no a number that can lower the name of a big nation. Way jiraan dad xun. Laakiin, Somalidu Masha Allah smile.gif . A good example, is the number of Gold shops,clothes,Hotels and internet caffee's in the heart of Dubai. The number of boats and ships docked right at the Abra. Shipments to Mogadisho,Berbera,Boosaaso,Kismayo,Marka. Somalidu waa caafimaad qabtaa halka smile.gif

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North, last year when I was in Deira City Shopping mall, I saw this maid holding someone's drink for them, I know she was because she handed it back to her when she demanded it & gave it back when she was done. She looked like a Pilipino and was with a bunch of Arab girls who were shopping.

Perhaps it will do them some good if they can't afford maids (which I doubt will ever be the case) and God forbid, they may have to do their own bed and hold their own drink.


As for the Somalis in UAE, they seem to be in different classes, the expats, those who lived there for decades, the business crowd and the newbie’s, who seem to see most of the suffering.

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Northner, I think we should watch our mouths :D I am afraid that some of the Somali CID members may be members in this forum loooool. Its not a heaven place, where we can enjoy the freedom of speech ;) . By the way, cisha dhawayto, there was a problem between the press of Emirates today and Daha Khalfan head of the Police head quarters, the press criticized the traffic for not executing their duties, and the Police said that smile.gif Hey, stop brushing our clean shirts other wise, we will pull up some files of yours that you have been getting bribes lol It became a hit story!

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I know saxib but if you look i choose my words carefully. The Imam mentioned something about being vigilent after khutba today. I dont knwo what he was implying laakin.


i edited my earlier post (dont want to e deported)

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