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'We can no longer afford to hire maids'

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I am glad it doesn't exist...alhmadu lilaah!!..


p.s. I was speaking to one of my arab friends and she was telling me how dubai is so westernized, so one can expect anything....not that am saying it exists...

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^^I would be suprised if it exists to the extent LST stated. Dubai has many faces. Before most western Expats arrived it was home from home for many Indians (and still is). You didnt hear anyone say Dubai is so Indianised.

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^^I guess it would be good in a way, especially if you did spend a great deal of years in the europe or America.You wouldn't feel much of a culture shock.Also, from what I heard there are more work opporutnities in dubai relative to other arab countries and at the same time it is arab country so there is still that arab culture. So, when you look from that perspective it looks like city where you can balance your life. But, there is only some aspects of westernization that has positive connotation....when we talk abt prostitution bars things like that? it is the very reasons why muslims dont dnt want to raise their kids in the west? so in that way it is disappointing that the arabs are developing the same culture. But, the fact that Dubai is competing with the west economically is something to be proud of since it is an Arab country.

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^^You simply take the good from all sides. East and West. We are lucky in that we are aware of both cultures which makes it alot easier. You are also aware of the bad of both sides and be thankful you are Somali :cool:

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^^ sometimes people don't know that. Lets hope we are all smart enough to take the good from what we encounter w/ on daily basis.


There is the whole idea that the society affects you, and how you perceive things. Which is why I thought that perhaps that kids are better off raised in arab countries.But, now that I think about it perhaps the best way is to teach your kids the religion...and just leave everything else to Allah swt. Ofcourse you should refrain from raising your kids in ghetto areas like many somali families do, and perhaps keep them occupied.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

quote:Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:



Is it true that a large number of "off-the-boat" Somali girls are turned into prostitutes in Dubai by Somali "pimps" who are smuggling these young girls into UAE by the hundreds? Have we become just like the Ethiopians? I heard most Somalis in Dubai know about this sad story and they can't do anything about it.

Say whaaaat? :eek:


No such thing is happening saxib. Don't believe what you hear. Many visitors would attest to that.
Wey dhici kartaa, weyna dhacdaa. Dad badan ayaan ka maqlay talking about xaalkaan gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed ku heysto Imaaraadka, qaas ahaan Dubeey.


A few months ago nin aan timajare isku aragnay ka hadlaaye markaas kasoo noqday Dubeey, and he had no reason to lie. He was talking about the things Libaax exactly mentioned, the "pimps" and how some are abusing those sisters that Soomaaliya ka keeneen. He was even saying one magaalo laga soo wadi jiray awal, but now another magaalo loo badalay, laga soo wadaa, another fresh gabdho Soomaaliyeed. Ciil badanaa. :mad:


He also added once laba gabdhood jidka ku arkay, oo meel aan seexano and wax aan cuno ma heysano ku yiri. He took them to casho, then to his hotel lodge room. Though he might have been exaggerating, still markuu hoteelkii geeye ayaa mid ka tagtay, and the remaining one told him the truth. Told him in Soomaaliya ka timid, cusubtahayna, ninkii keenayna waxaan dhex giliye, oo tan inay jirkeeda ka ganacsato ku kaliftay inay ku dhex jirto hadda in order to survive. He was just shocked. And only Eebbe knows wuxuu kale naga qariye oo uu noo sheegin.


Magac Soomaaliyeed waa dhintay, waa hore dhulka lagu jiid jiiday, but it is official now. So sad walaahi. The reality is, same thing or worse is happening in Nayroobi, too.

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^^Again, the extent of which is not as bad as Somalis say. Somaalida waad garnaysaaye ha rumaysan 100%. When it comes to telling stories basbaaskoodu is more than that contained in a chicken tikka masaala!

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^^ somalis love to sugar coat, bt if there some truth into this story, things might get worse and some men will take advantage of young uneducated females who are desperate to meet the day's end. Somali community in dubai shouldn't just pretend nothing is happening....if this is happening to even one girl? it should be taken seriously ? imagine your sister or daughter going through that?


May Allah swt guides us and preserves our iiman.

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I also heard such things are happening in Dubai ,,, not yet sure ,, but someone i personally know is involved i'm told.



Allah sidii khayr leh ha ka dhigo

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Originally posted by Haneefah:

^what's so presigious about Filipinas? And why are the other Asians such as Bengalis deemed cheap?

Pay is generally tied to the economic situation of ones country of origin, what your paid back home, the exchange rate and how much your government is willing to accept. So, a Pakistani Civil engineer would get a percentage of the wage a British civil engineer is paid. What this doesn’t take into account is that we are all living in a country where the living costs are on a constant rise. Some people may be able to afford these fees, others simply can’t because they’re paid peanuts themselves.


I really admire the Philippines government, as their the only government who are active in ensuring that their people are not exploited in the ME. Recently, they banned Filipinas from doing maid work in Jordan and Lebanon because the human rights abuses are so high in those nations and their governments don't do much to resolve them.

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