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Somalid Pride

Scientific studies say - We are a pure race!

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DNA is Somalia



Interesting Facts:

- We have the highest % of E1b1b (Y-DNA) 81%

- We have the highets % of T (Y-DNA) 10.4%

- Ancient name of Somalia was Land of the Berbers, today DNA studies show that berbers are also originated from HOA with very high % of E1b1b

- Sea faring people came from coastal Lebanon, Southern Greece & in medieval times the Barbary coasts all these regions share an E1b1b link, so don't blame the pirates blame their genes ;)

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Ummad aan la aqoonin meel ay ka soo jeedaan, Yaab!!






They have this image as their front page

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There is nothing wrong with considering your blood line as pure if you don't use that to discriminate others. Like I am. icon_razz.gif


Not just pride, a pure fact. :D

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DNA tests show that somalis display the following unique traits:



ETF12( extra terristerial forehead 12)

SLN( Skinny Limb Negroid)

IWT4.5( infested with tribalism 4.5 enzyme)

GLX 8/10( good looking xalimo 8/10)






1. Baris and Jibberish University, Farax department.

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Mashallah!!! Another person who believes in the purity and superiority of the Somali people. I complete agree with the poster of this topic! This is very encouraging indeed! We may not have much to show for our purity but I believe that Somalis are the most superior people on Earth; our bloodline has not been diluted by the colonisers and those who have tried to conquer the Somali peninsula. If you look at a country like Sudan they have lost their indigenous cultures through Arab imperialism. Furthermore Somalis have fought of ancient Egyptians, Arab-islamo colonisers, the ottomans, the Egyptian colonisation of the 19th century and more recently the western colonials; they have all left their imprints but have not dominated and subjugated the Somali people. We are a strong people and this is Testament to our homogeneity and cultural resemblance!

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But Marx I thought you are black American when I saw your videos. I think this classification suits some of us, not the black somali's manily in puntland and the south. :D:D

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quote:Furthermore Somalis have fought of ancient Egyptians, Arab-islamo colonisers, the ottomans



o when did that happen ninyow?



ps. negroid and other terms are outdated terms which come from 19th century scientific rascism.

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Originally posted by -MARX-:

We may not have much to show for our purity

Actually genetically we have one of the most pure genepools with the exception of East Asians!


Comapre our DNA to other nations! -in the south we have a diff maternal lineage but mostly the same father lineages-



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