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Battle of The Sexes

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I'm taking up arms for the fellas in the battle of the sexes.


Who's more likely to date/marry SOLELY for money?


Who's more likely to date/marry a mate that was not as financially secure as themselves?

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cute lil girl

don't you think this topic would add fuel to the fire for the gender wars that have been going on here for awhile

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Interesting but let me just add a few pointers here.

1-Every girl wants to marry a guy who is financially stable or assumes that he is financially stable but in most cases by the time the girl finds out that all the money he spent on her was either on Credit cards or borrowed from friends she is well on her way to her second pregnancy.


2-No guy in here would ever say that he wants to marry a girl better off than him.But I sure as hell wouldn't mind marrying a sister with a lil dough in the bank.Might hasten my reirement:)

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