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GAME: Test your Somali

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Miskiin, qaamuuska aad ka akhriday tacriifkaas miyaad xusuusan karaysaa, walaal? Carab (2004) iyo Keenadiid (1976) ayaan goor dhawayd isha mariyay oo kumaan arag macnayntaad soo xigatay. Qaamuusyada kale miisaan weyn iyo milgo badan ilama laha; qof af-soomaaligiisu bushuq-bushuq iska yahay inay wax ku biiriyaan mooyee qof kale aqoon kordhsi ka heli maayo. Inanta Nina su'aasheeda haddaan dib u jaleeco, eray yara adag, "theorist", bay turjumaad naga weydiisay. Erayada "qaacido" iyo "theory" macno isu dhaw ma laha, waase kaaf iyo kala dheeri. Laakiin intaynaan eray u dhigmo raadin, waxa habboon inaan macno kooban erayga "theorist" u helno.


The word "theory" has a rather technical, narrow meaning when used by scientists (and philosophers). That's to say, when most people use the word "theory", they use it to draw a distinction between a "theory" (a hunch or guess) and a "fact" (something indisputable), as in "it's just a theory" or "I don't know, but my theory is he's insane". However, in scientific parlance a "theory" isn't just some dubious proposition that can be gratuitously dismissed. Instead, it is the most coherent, parsimonious, and consistent explanation of the facts - the "theory" of evolution is just as buttressed by the evidence as the "theory" of gravity or the germ "theory" of disease. To the consternation of scientists, a great many people who have no grasp of biology often dismiss the "theory" of descent with modification as a mere hunch. Such ideologues trade in remarkable anti-science asininity. But I digress.


Waxa ugu dhow erayga "theory" waxa weeyaan "qiyaas" ama "oddoras"; erayaga "mala'awaal" macno kaluu leeyahay. Waxaad odhan kartaa, "waxaan oddoraasayaa isbeddelka weyn ee ku dhacay bulshada Soomaaliyeed" - theorizing about the major transformation of Somali society. There's no word for "theorist", but a little eray-bixin can go a long way.

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Prom, while we appreciate your thorough explanation(which was filled with many nuggets of information)-- I thought it was unnecessarily pedantic.


I know you intentions were honorable, but please keep it short and simply next time, as the originator of this thread first importuned of us.


Trust me on this one, I found out the hard way! :D


Originally posted by *Pujah*:

Rules: post one or two English words and the next person will post the Somali version of that word, try not to post explanations. We need one word that conveys the exact meaning of the English word.

Now back to the game: In my opinion,

theory = Qiyaas, while both Oodarass and mala'awaal mean a Prediction.


New word: Continue

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Lol @ "poltergeist" :D


Hey Scheherazade, was it Nuune's apparent poltergeist activities that kept you up all of last night? Or was it your attempted "taming" of Mr.Somalia's eclectic ramblings and somewhat debonair nature that caused your sleepless night? :D

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