
Somali president accused of 'failing' election talks

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Somali president accused of 'failing' election talks

BBC Monitoring

The world through its media

Somalia's semi-autonomous states of Puntland and Jubbaland have issued a joint statement accusing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo of failing to ensure the success of crucial consultative talks held in Mogadishu to find a solution to the election impasse.

Puntland Information Minister Abdullahi Hirsi Tima'ade said "we are not aware of a failed conference. Farmajo wants to leave the conference just as he did at the Dhusamareb conference" in February, Radio Risala website stated.

Earlier, Somali Information Minister Osman Abukar Dubbe accused the leaders of the two regional states of causing the talks to collapse.

"Unfortunately, Jubbaland and Puntland leadership dishonoured the forum," the minister said.

On 6 April, the international community called on Somali leaders to compromise and allow elections to take place in the country as the holy month of Ramadan approaches.

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Puntland Iyo Jubbaland Oo Sheegay In Uusan Jirin Shir Fashilmay

April 7, 2021

Madaxda dowlad gobaleedyada Puntland iyo Jubbaland oo maanta ay horay dowladda Federaalka ah ugu eedeysay in ay ka dambeeyen Fashilla wadahadalada doorashada ayaa sheegay in aysan jiriin meel ay ku fashilmeen wadahadalada .


War-saxaafadeed wada jir ah oo ay soo saareen madaxda Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa lagu sheegay in Fashilka dowladda ay sheegtay uu yahay mid madaxeeeynaha waqtigiisa dhamaaday uu ugu gogol xaarayo mudda kororsi.


Labadan maamul ayaasidoo kale sheegay in Farmaajo uu diidan yahay in wadahadal lagu lagu heshiiyo.

Hoos Ka Akhriso War-saxaafadeedka Puntland Iyo Jubbaland .

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Afar arrin oo muujinaya in DF ay horey usii diyaarisay fashilinta shirka Afisyoone

By Caasimada Online 

April 8, 2021


in Maqaalo

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wasiirka warfaafinta dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya Cusmaan Dubbe ayaa galabta si lama filaan ah shir jaraa’id ugu sheegay inuu fashilmay shirkii Afisyoone, xilli weli madaxdii ay ku sugan yihiin teendhada Afsiyoone, taasi oo ka yaabisay dhinacyadii kale ee shirka ka qeyb-galayey.

Dubbe ayaa aqriyey qoraal dheer oo ka sheekeynayey sooyaalka shirarka doorashada iyo “tanaasulaad” uu sheegay inuu sameeyey madaxweynaha muddo xileedkiisu dhammaaday Farmaajo.

Wuxuu qoraalka kusoo xiray “Xukuumaddu waxa ay u caddayneysaa Umadda Soomaaliyeed in labada Madaxweyne Goboleed ee Puntland iyo Jubaland aysan rabin in dalkaan ay ka dhacdo doorasho uu asaaskeeda yahay heshiiskii 17-kii September iyo is fahankii 16-kii Febraayo. Waana wax laga xumaado in labadaas Madaxweyne ee Puntland iyo Jubaland ay noqdeen jid iyo jiho diid aan doorasho oggolayn.”

Hase yeeshee waxaa durba soo baxay caddeymo muujinaya in dowladda ay ka shaqeysay in si iskeed ah ay shirka u fashiliso, kuna sii talo-gashay arrintaas, xitaa inta aan loo fariisan shirkii ugu dambeeyey kadib laba maalmood oo hakad u uku jiray, waxaana caddeymahaas ka mid ah

Qoraallo sii diyaarsanaa: Qoraalka dheer uu aqriyey Dubbe, muuqaalka deg degta loo soo tuuray, iyo qoraal English ah oo watay sawirro (graphics), oo uu twitter ku baahiyey agaasimaha warfaafinta madaxtooyada Cabdirashiid Duqa, waxay dhammaantood muujiyeen inay ahaayeen wax laga shaqeynayey maalmo oo diyaarsanaa. Ma jiri karto haba yaraatee in howshaas loogu qaban karay muddo 30 daqiiqo, oo ah inta u dhaxeysay waqtiga lasii daayey, iyo marka uu soo baxay warka ku saabsan fashilka shirka, oo isla dhinaca dowladda ka dusay.

Puntland iyo Jubaland oo weli diyaar ah:Maamullada Puntland iyo Jubaland waxay labaduba caddeeyeen inaysan ka war-hayn shir fashilmay, islamarkaana ayaga oo u ballansan kulan kale berri ay ka war-heleen qoraallada iyo muuqaallada ay baahisay dowladda ee lagu sheegay in shirku fashilmay. Waxay kale oo ay sheegeen inay diyaar u yihiin in wada-hadalladu ay sii socdaan.

Haddii Puntland iyo Jubaland ay leeyihiin shirka ma fashilmin, maxay dowladda si iskeed ah ugu sheegeysaa fashilka. Xitaa haddii Puntland iyo Jubaland aysan daacad ka aheyn sheegashadooda, maxaysan dowladda u dooran inay si kale ugu eedeyso in caqabad ku yihiin heshiis la gaaro, maxay u dooratay inay tiraahdo shirka waa fashilmay, oo ay si toos ah albaabka wada-hadallada ugu xireysaa. Hadda oo ay leeyihiin, waxaan diyaar u nahay in shirka uu sii socdo, aaway jawaabtii dowladda?

Laba Dubbe: Waxaa soo baxday in Cusmaan Dubbe uu ku sugnaa xarunta Afisyoone oo uu watay dhar aan aheyn kuwa uu ku duubay muuqaalka shirka jaraa’id, taasi oo caddeyn u ah in muuqaalka shirka lagu fashiliyey horey loo sii duubay, taasi oo iyana caddeyn u ah in markii horeba madaxweyne Farmaajo uu tegay shirka isaga oo aan diyaar u aheyn in heshiis la gaaro.

Saciid Deni oo wareysi uu siiyey VOA uga hadlay arrintan ayaa yiri “Wasiir Dubbe waa uu nala joogay maanta, marka dharka uu isaga duubay muuqaalka kii uu watay maaha, marka wax sii diyaarsanaa oo loogu tala galay in bulshada lagu marin habaabiyo ayuu ahaa warkii galabta ka soo yeeray dowladda federaalka.”

“Tanaasulkii” saaka: Dowladda waxay saaka dusisay in Farmaajo “ka tanaasulay” qodobkii ahaa in la ballaariyo ka qeyb-galayaasha shirka, warkaas oo ay aad u qaateen warbaahinta, oo ay Caasimada Online ku jirto. Waxaa kadib baraha bulshada qabsaday ammaanta Farmaajo ee taageerayaashiisa. Hase yeeshee waxaa hadda muuqata inay aheyd xeelad loogu muujinayo Farmaajo inuu ka tanaasulay qodobada qaar, si marka dowladda fashiliso shirka, sida ay galabta sameysay, eedda loogu leexiyo Axmed Madoobe iyo Saciid Deni.

Dhammaan qodoban waxay caddeyn u yihiin in fashilka shirka uu sii diyaarsanaa inta aanu madaxweyne Farmaajo soo fariisan teendhada Afisyoone 3-dii April.


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Council of Presidential Candidates release statement critical of Farmajo leadership 


Thursday April 8, 2021

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Council of Presidential Candidates (CPC) has released a statement on Tuesday criticizing President Farmajo for his failed leadership after talks between the federal government and the leaders of federal member states collapsed.

The council was formed in November 2020 and is made up of 14 presidential hopefuls. Its members wield significant influence and include two former presidents and the former prime minister. The opposition group strongly rejects President Farmajo's rule, arguing that he is without a legal mandate.

In the statement, the council put forth a list of what it views as Farmajo's transgressions and failures.

Here is a summary of the allegations put forth by the CPC:

1) Farmajo deliberately sabotaged the 4th Dhusamareeb Summit on February 6th to create a pretense for his early withdrawal from the talks. Farmajo then sought an extension from parliament but was thwarted by lawmakers.

2) On the night of February 19th, in the run-up to planned electoral talks in Mogadishu, Farmajo ordered an attack on two former Somali presidents and a former Speaker of Parliament. The following morning, Farmajo sent security officers to break up peaceful demonstrations held by the CPC and the former Prime Minister.

3) Farmajo ordered the transfer of security responsibility of the airport from the customs police, which has consistently held that duty, to the Haramcad forces - who are well-known for their attacks on politicians and opposition figures. Farmajo intended to interfere with the security of Puntland and Jubaland's delegations and stymie meetings with politicians, MPs and other sectors of society.

4) Disrupted the preliminary meetings between the five regional states that would set the conference's agenda and efforts by members of the international community to bring together the caretaker Prime Minister and FMS leaders.

5) On March 27th, as meetings between FGS and FMS were ongoing, the Speaker of Parliament was instructed to force through a two-year extension but was opposed by dissenting MPs who were dead set against the illegality of the move.

6) That the 15 MPs who blocked the extension attempt were banned from attending parliament. Their pictures were ordered to be posted at checkpoints, and instructions were given to security forces to physically prevent them from entering parliament if they defied the order.

7) That Farmajo's intention was for the meetings between regional leaders and the federal government not to bear fruit. Farmajo's information minister recorded a message a few days ago accusing the Puntland and Jubbaland state leaders of failing to convene a conference.

The statement ends with the council commending Puntland and Jubaland's leaders for their patience and perseverance, noting that Madobe and Deni have been in Mogadishu for close to a month.

In mid-March, the CPC announced that it formed a political alliance with Jubaland and Puntland's leaders. The new group was established as the National Salvation Council.

The statement comes as the latest talks between Somalia's federal government and regional leaders fell through without a deal on Wednesday as both sides blamed one another for its failure. Opposition figures worry that President Farmajo is seeking to capitalize o

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