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Bring back Dur Dur Band!

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^LooooooooooL..I know, they were like he infected Saado Cali, Khadro Daahir, and wat have you.I was like these women..Finally heard someone say he died from it, but these ladies lived longer.I wonder what happened to him?



Ah Faraax Siidoow..Good one Gheelle.T, missed when singers actually played instruments.

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War ani maanta dhan aduun iyo aduun ha'ii heynina sida niman nolol soo arkay! Alow yaa ogaado bugle iyo garaangar aa taraarixin jirteen, markaasaa anaga maanta dhan aduun noogu jirtiin... icon_razz.gif


Waxaan soo xasuusta the only Somali song oo ilaa iyo hada, after some 20yrs, markaan maqlo aan mixed feelings of good, sad, happy, loving memories aan dareemo all at once...A dark skinned good looking Somali aabo (mine - AUN), used to sing for me...I was riding in his car one day and noticed his radio wasn't working...When I asked what happened, his reply 'Aabo anaa aad u cod qurxoon, marka dadka heestey rabaan wey iga codsadaan waana uheesaa, marka radio uma baahni ee maxaan kuu heesa maanta'...At the time, I loved that song and requested him to sing it...GOSH, he sang from the beginning to the end, with all smiles while explaining the meaning of each and every line of the song... :( I think that was and still is the cuttest gesture a father could ever do for his daughter...I have yet to see any father top that...He passed away in '88, I remember that day like it was yesterday...ALOW KUU NAXARIISO!!!



Ok ok, let me stop my sob story here and let y'all go back to the topic...

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^Aamiin Ayeeyo!


garaangar ma ceyrin jirin, walax kalaa mashquul ku as,haa.


Dar jaali or dar cad maas aheed?. It has something to do with them-the girls of course :D

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^I use to laugh when I listened this song as kid, the line where Sahro Dawo sings "Igaaryaho
weyn", for some reason, I thought she was saying something else...God bless me

Igaaryahoow qooraha weyn maa moodi jirtay heesta. Dirty-mindedka aa tahay maxaa dhahaa. :D:D



arag adiga. Heesaha Xasan Aaden Samatar kusoo caanbaxay ku jirtaayee. Qalanjana see isku walaaqeyso fiirso.


Kuusha, heesaha Sulfa cajiib ayee ahaayeen. Aabana, Eebba ha u naxariistee, had a good taste. Siiba taas Muxubo muuna beeshayee gabar xaafadeedana ku dhibi jirnay, oo Labamiira ugu wici jirnay. Ar maxee na bursatay.


Personally, hobalada Durdur aniga hobalada Iftin ka jeclaa. Sulfa, Shimaali, Luul Jeylaani, Axmed Rabsho, Jeeri, Killer -- yaaba gaari karo dadkaas. I guess Sahro Dawo iyo Baastoow wee iga badbateen since arooska walaashey ka heeseen at Hoteel Jubba in 1988, mar walbana Xamar ku fiirsan jirnay oo ilaa hadda haayaa cajalka arooskaas.

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Dur-Dur,was good. they were also monotonous and ALL their songs sounded the same.


And oh yeah,they had no lyrics as well. smile.gif


For those of us who were growing up in the late 80s,

And their is certainly a few of you on these boards.(anu kuma jiri of course). smile.gif

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^ Of course kuma jirtid. You were growing up in the 70s adigu. icon_razz.gif


YouTube iima shaqeynayo unfortunately. I'm missing out on all these goodies you're posting.

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Che walaahi waayo waayo. Aw Geedi Shaambow! Heestan oo Sawaaxili ah ma maqasheen weli? :D Copy cats!


FB, waraa marax hanagu noqonin aan ku dhahay :D

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KK, markaa Hotel Taleex soo aadi jirtay ani iyo Che, garaangar aa fiyooraho/carwada horteeda ku burin jirnay. :D:D Waa nagu keen keentay see camal?


FB, shimee Dur dur arkay isaga? :D

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War maxaa meesha duqooshin iskugu yimid!

this was my fav song when it came out. Simply beautiful.


'Guri gaajo, waa laga guuraa', 'Gacal beena, waa laga goostaa'.


Somalia was a paradise lost.

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FB, shimee Dur dur arkay isaga?

Hada lee. Thanks to Youtube. All i see are drums la tumaya lee. Matter of fact,the only interesting thing about Dur Dur was Sahro Dawo. smile.gif


Paragon,awoowe... smile.gif

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Oh my goodness, KK your short story there brought tears to my eyes walaahi...Aabahaa janno iyo rahmo allaha siiyo qabrigiisana u qaboojiyo...


Thanks for sharing these memories people. I used to be obsessed with the guy with the electric guitar in Dur-Dur Band, BOY, did I wanted to learn how to play one. Heck, I still do...

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^^^ indhoos lool bajaq doo aan aqaano aan u baxshay magacaas hada kohor..indho aan caadi eheen aa ku yaaleen lacalaayee!


KK waxaa iska dhigtay in aa Xamar wax ka kaseesid lol.. ciyaal isku xaafad aan aheen waa ogtahay oo xamar dhan waxaa ka taqaanay makiinada cajiinka iyo suuqa siigaale.. meeshaan aa booteenee oo iska dhigee bajaq xamar kala dhigtay loooool qarxis hoo yarta!!!


Kaalay what ever happened to bajaq yaashii sahra dawo u ekaan jiray? qoomul xiito xiito aa socdaan barigaan la jiro..maxaa ku dhacay qoomul xam xam wal fashaq fashaq xitaa qoomul baruuratul jiroos?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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