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Can You Do It?

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ABC News & Barbara Walters Special

“Live to be 150 . . . Can You Do It?” will air Tuesday, April 1, at 10:00 p.m. (ET) on ABC.


“’Live to Be 150... Can You Do It?’ goes beyond the nips and tucks, botox and exercise to the cutting edge of science,” says Walters. “The hour is filled with the medical and emotional advances that will hopefully enable us to live longer.” From a potential breakthrough pill to controversial rejuvenation technologies, Walters reports on what the future may hold, as well as what one expert says is the only proven way to extend life. The special also explores secrets to aging gracefully and living life to its fullest, from 83-year-old actor turned race car driver Paul Newman to a group of centenarians. Additionally, “Live to Be 150... Can You Do It?” examines the potential implications to a longer life – from sex to money to power – are there pitfalls?

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Somali do not look after themselves period! How many have told you (with an element of pride) 'waxa ihaya gastariq' or some other condition? I'm not talking about elderly people here.

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I just can't see my self having kids and having grand kids, and you telling me if I can live to that age.....


No , all I need is good health.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

, what is that?

Typo dear. 'Gaastariig' is common among Somalis for some reason. I don't understand why though. Spicy food is not really our main stay is it?


Unless you spent some time in India/Pakistan of course :D

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Not just spicy food. Caffeine, smoking, too many greasy stuff and hilib can bring it too. I have stress related gastariito. But just like any other Somali, I drink a glass of ice cold cow milk to suppress it.


Hayam, have you ever seen anyone willing to let it go? I plan on living to be 150 years old. I've got my reasons! I just hope I can do it with caafimaad and camal saalax. I'A.

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^ caafimaad is very important at that age who wants to go back to being in diapers .... better to be dead then to be senile :confused:

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I think a better question would be "Do you really want to live to 150 yrs old?"


I personally that the pursuit of youth is an obsession with a particular segment of society. Granted its a big segment, but its there. The baby-boomers don't want to get old. Being old is a stepping stone to death in their eyes. So since they hold the majority of the wealth, they will do whatever it takes to avoid finding out whats beyond the grave.

Things such as cosmetic surgery, extreme fitness regiments, absurd diets and the likes...on the off chance that all those lunatics that were rambling about God and hell might actually be right.


Sidenote: Cadaan people take life and death in a very different way than we do (or should). I made the mistake of of getting into a debate about a 22 yr old guy who died in a car accident:


Whitey: He was too young, life's unfair.

Me: It was his time.


W: What do you mean?

M: I mean there's no guarantee on life, anyone can go at anytime.


W:(obviously disturbed)How can you say that? you have no respect for life.


M: I'm just being real about could get hit by a bus crossing the street, it happens, you should be ready.


He gave me some dirty look that implied I was suicidal or something...and since then he avoids me like the plague.

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^ L0L. Cadaan people are differently wired, yaa ku yiri la muran?


GG; With this new study there will hardly be a senile elder in diapers.. icon_razz.gif . My granpa made it to atleast 100 [no one could say for sure though :D ] with no help, all on his own. His organs intact and no man-made devices operating in his body. When it was his time to go, he left with that preverbial smile on his face.

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People don't want to face death because they think it's the end. There was an article about an exhibition of photos portraying people before and after they had died, mainly taken at hospice. It's about people's fear of death. I can't decide if it's interesting or morbid. They look so peaceful though.

Before & After

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^Disturbing images Lily.


150 years? Acuudka. If it comes with cibaado iyo caafimaad, count me in.


UD: You lucky you didn't get suited for emotional damage.


Speaking of Gaarsatiig. Is this the most common illness in Somalia apart from kaneeco?

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^What's that? Calool dhuryaan?


I thought fresh caano was the trick and diet rich of fiber.


Gaastariiku ma gaajaa keenta horta?

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150yrs aa? Najeynaa!!!


“The hour is filled with the medical and emotional advances that will hopefully enable us to live longer.” From a potential breakthrough pill to controversial rejuvenation technologies, Walters reports on what the future may hold, as well as what one expert says is the only proven way to extend life.

Is this where people play GOD? :confused: Breakthrough pill to controversial rejuvenation technologies lagu yeh! Kir dheh...


UD: You lucky you didn't get suited for emotional damage.

I know eh? Poor Whitey...Now everytime he sees you, 'D-E-A-T-H' aa usooqoronto aan u maleynaa... :D

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