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Somali methods to combat Hay fever

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Originally posted by Valenteenah:

Adam, you don't put vaseline in your nose, you put it around the nostrils and the eyes - the vaseline acts as a trap for pollen.


Urban, honey helps a little with the sore throat.


But by far the most effective method is medication. Antihistamine tablets, nasal spray and allergy eye drops - use them together and you are home free. None of the 'natural remedies' work for severe hay-fever symptoms.

Only you would know that Val. Who knew the logic behind it? Not I! Ileen,Vaseline traps pollen,never ever looked at it like that. Interesting alayleeh smile.gif


Adam/Zay,L0L indeed iga dheh smile.gif

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Originally posted by Adam Zayla:

what's abufaas? like Vicks?

Abufaash stems from the logo of one of the brand which had a hand holding hammer on it. You know hammer in somali is call faash, so it's abufaash. So yeah kinda like vicks.

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Originally posted by Red Sea:

quote:Originally posted by Adam Zayla:

what's abufaas? like Vicks?

Abufaash stems from the logo of one of the brand which had a hand holding hammer on it. You know hammer in somali is call faash, so it's abufaash. So yeah kinda like vicks.
Hammer is burus, duqa. Reer Waqooyiga ayaa 'faas' dhahaan miyaa? Faas Koonfurta waxaa loogu yaqaanaa bahalka geedaha lagu gooyo.

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Keep em coming, Adam. I'll try anything, even if it involves wrestling a hippo by the light of the full moon.


Last year, loratidine+pseudoephedrine worked like a charm, but it's not so reliable this year. Sometimes it works within 30 minutes and lasts all day, other times I might as well have had a sugar pill :(

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You need one of these (not Vicks).




And one of these:




And one of these:




And one of these:




And one of these:




Chop the onion and put it in the bowl. Add as much sugar as you like. Leave for no more than 24 hours. After a while, you will notice a liquid in the bowel. Have yourself a couple of spoons of that liquid and your problem shall be sorted. If not, resort to Abu Faas. :D

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Originally posted by Valenteenah:
Adam, you don't put vaseline in your nose
, you put it around the nostrils and the eyes - the vaseline acts as a trap for pollen.

LOL ''vaseline sankaaga marii' is what i was told maybe it got lost in translation



Cara drink lots of water and don't skip meals a sudden shift in your diet not balanced out with something else is bad for your immune-system smile.gif

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Originally posted by Emperor:

I am extreme sufferer of this Hayfever, my Solution is to only migrate from this Country...

Obviously,not the only thing you suffer from :D

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