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i need help!!!

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Take a year out, you have time and you are are young. Work for a bit, go travelling. By then you should have a better idea of what you want out of life and what path to pursue.


P.s. Don't push too much pressure on yourself on what to do. There is no wrong or write answer, just a matter of finding what turns your pages. smile.gif

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The reason I’m telling her to asses herself and do what she likes is because I’m trying to point out to her that no one can help her with a choice. I can tell her to be a doctor, a bum or to download babies every year, but I think rationally this is something she needs to decide for herself. It seems quite significant for her to ask people on what to do, but this is a wrong approach of how to find your calling. Seldom does an individual succeed in life if others are making the choice for them. Her choice of what she wants to do is something she only can find it in perspective. I only disagree with her method of finding what she wants to do in life. She needs to take inventory of herself.

I agree with you that education is not the only key to the gate of opportunity. Intelligent planning and imagination can make an individual successful without fancy degrees on the wall. But remember that the goal that she wants to work on will depend on what knowledge she has pertaining to it. I suspect when you talk lightly of education as a means to downplay the importance of it. I’m not going into that. Happiness as you know will not be the reaches of people who don’t plan and demands of themselves the patience and persistence of putting the effort.

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JB:Are you telling the girl to go commit a suicide ??

lol thanks you guys but i still have no idea what the heck my life would be but inshallah ill find it soon.

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lil sister, first and foremost the fact that you care and question yourself, is a good sign like others say.

Don't try to encapsulate what you want to do into a job title..there are hundreds of job titles out there.

Start with a list of possibilities and slowly eliminate them until you find a general area that you like and can imagine working in.

Don't worry about prestige or finances for now, think about...things like "Do I want to work with people directly" etc

Are you in university or highschool? Both ways there are so many resources in career centres..if you are in neither check online resources or an employment centre.

also taking a gap year and doing a transfer program is not a bad idea.

Oh and its never a bad idea to talk to your family, these are people that know you best and your attitudes and general capablities, thier suggestions..and thats exactly what they should be mere suggestions! can be very helpful


Good Luck

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