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English Learning and Proficiency: Practical Tips!

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Apart from regular or online courses and self-teaching materials (often free in public libraries), I found a good reference dictionary with grammar notes such as the excellent "Oxford Wordpower Dictionary", Oxford University Press, extremely useful for serious learners with basic english.


Of course, one could also carry a pocket dictionary such as "Collins Pocket Dictionary" (I bought mine in Aldi Store during a promotion for around 2 £) and, still better, practice everywhere by putting down each word often used, in a sentence for each meaning, on a card ("Flash cards" are excellent for memorisation in every subject, not only for words meanings and grammar).


As for the popular langages learning softwares, "Tell Me More English", Auralog, is widely used in universities etc and help in all sides, especially with pronunciation, through voice analysis and detailed feedback etc (one month of serious commitment could be decisive).


Crucially, through practice, such as reading relevant material (wether it be work on Hadith or IT), or listening to muxaadaros such as those on youtube, one could naturally enhance his literacy skills in any langage.


Finally, reference and practice books (grammar/spelling/etcs) such as "English Made Simple" (Made Simple Books), which could be available as second-hand or used materials online (eg on Amazon) may be very useful for most of us...





PS: Microsoft Word's spelling/grammar checker or even simply typing words on google could help with spelling etc (google langage tools also help when translating)...

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