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737Jet Boing lands first time in cigal international airport hargeysa.

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Originally posted by osman_nz:

Those airlines u are talking about make their money outside of hargeisa,

Of course they do. They're in business to take YOUR money and build Somaliland with it. Now what? :D


Did you make your airline selection yet?

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Poker, that would be nice if they took outside region money to build somaliland. But the hard part is proving they do that...which u will find not to be case. Infact they give their money to other market region's because they see hope of profit where-as they find no business profitability in sland.

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Poker, no your saying just because these airlines have money and are from the region of sland. therefore they are going to benefit sland with their money? All i am saying is show me proof they ever spent 1 cent into sland...and u will see that they haven't and therefore their money will go into other region enriching and strengthing another clan territories..

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Waayahay won. They dead broke. They just fly around to piss people like you off. Happy now. Orod hdaba so ciyaar!

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Poker, the truth hurts. They don't spend a cent in sland, and spend their money in other places. Infact dahabshil gave puntland hospital $250,000 funding. Because they know the future is puntland and when the oil is producing at the end of year, it will be singapore of east africa and the financial hub market of africa.

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^^^When did Dahabshill become "THEy". In any case, he and the others you mentioned are business man, and above clan, they are just trying to make his meal, contributing to every region, ensures that people uses their services. Not everything is about clan, particularly business.


As for

show me proof they ever spent 1 cent into sland...

since you was kind enough to bring up Dahabshil, do you know he built a school in every single village (not city, village) hawd of Burco?? Oh you did not, you poor thing. icon_razz.gif Did you know each year sponsors 20 boys from SL to go and study abroad?? You didn’t? Say hello to the future then. Naag taa beenta iyo baalaad aad waadi.


We get it, Puntiland, allah haa baarakeyo (waar Ameen deh!) but must everything turn into my town is going to starve after yours. eesh haad. :rolleyes:

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Ibtisam..schools doesn't feed u, go to somalilandpress website and see the dire situation of them going to school and broke and can't even pay for a cup of shax and see how they are doing tahrib to go to italy and dying in the mediterrenean sea or locked up in libya and sudanese jails becuz they crossing the borders.


The level of unemployment in sland is even worse then hamar, so schools are good but it doesn't mean they are good at business.


The opposite is true in puntland where even our idp's are working and getting paid. Bossaso was titled as the boom capital of the horn of africa because it's in our blood to make money and business since history till now. Who u think owns half of nairobi????? Dubai???? Its all puntlanders..

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^^^Actucally reer nairobi have nothing to do with Puntiland, the majority of the people who settled there are the business class of Moqdisho. Now you are just clenching at straws.


As for Schools and education, only a fool would think it makes no difference. What is the use of having jobs if no one is qualified to take the job?? Do you know the reason many African countries failed after independency is because no one was educated or trained to do the jobs which the colonist use to do, and when they left, it was filled by ignorant ill qualified people- (This was not always the case, the flip side was also true, black men educated by the white man, who ruled like the white man) My point is job creation is easier than trying to train a grown man/women.


Even on a social level, education makes a difference to the social make up of the society, people with no access to education often still live in hierarchal clannish structures, gripped by hatred. You can only rise above that by educating your mind.


I keep seeing you mention tahrib in almost every thread, while it pains me that so many of educated young Somalis are either dead, in prison or trekking through desserts, at the same time, it shows that they know there is something better for them, that they can do better for themselves and their families and that the society they live in is too small to accommodate their ambitions at this moment. This is again a process reached by educating your mind and seeing a world of possibilities. I would rather they died striving to better their life style and that of their families than getting shot by another angry ignorant teenager.


Do you not know that your parents baa soo silciey trekking across the globe to give YOU an opportunity that is better than your brother in Puntiland? Do you think you ended up in NZ out of choice and for the fun of it?? It is a shame that people like you have not utilized an opportunity that was handed to them, instead insisting on being stuck on the dark-age mentality.


As I said Puntiland haa caawiryin, anyone is puntiland will sale you their right hand if you offered them your passport in exchange, so please don’t bother trying to glorify ignorance and poverty. If it is so perfect, let see you live there for a month. I take that back, a week.


I am not interested in who the racist clan is, only racist person I can see haad is adiga.

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Originally posted by osman_nz:

Ibtisam, it well know who is the richest tribe in somalis...wax cusub ma ahan, it's always been north-east..

Come on now, is that a way to advertise your clan

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Ibtisam, at least my ppl are not throwing themselves in the sea like your ppl. It just proves the dire situation and disgusting life your ppl live in.


My ppl will go hijack a ship to make money rather then go do the end of day ur just jealous and ur poor...i can prove puntland is the richest tribe of somali through united nation research studies and not only that i can prove it is the healthiest.Can u???? no u can't because your tahrib filled population have no clue what to do except go beg others or cross borders..infact were so smart, we make money of ur tahrib population and then throw their sad asses into the sea..


And by the way did u say nairobi is mogadishu business class? do u have anything that support's that false statement...nairobi is d-block n everyone knows that..

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Ibtisam as for ur case for education, no matter how educated u want to become, if ur society doesn't provide the environment for u to benefit from that education you just become tahrib population.


In puntland even our gangsters roll in millions let alone our business and educated class. Don't ever try comparing ur begging ppl to mine, because ur ppl can't even wipe the shoes of my people.

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My ppl will go hijack a ship to make money rather then go do tahrib

puntland is the richest tribe of somali

e make money of ur tahrib population and then throw their sad asses into the sea



Ilma adeerayaalow, Ilaah baan idinku dhaarshee ninkan dhakhtar geeya sidan ha ku eeganinee ,,, :D

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