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Burka or Bikini?????

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By Henry Makow Ph.D.

September 18, 2002



On my wall, I have a picture of a Muslim woman shrouded in a burka.

Beside it is a picture of an American beauty contestant, wearing nothing but a bikini.

One woman is totally hidden from the public; the other is totally exposed. These two extremes say a great deal about the clash of so-called "civilizations."

The role of woman is at the heart of any culture. Apart from stealing Arab oil, the impending war in the Middle East is about stripping Arabs of their religion and culture, exchanging the burka for a bikini.

I am not an expert on the condition of Muslim women and I love feminine beauty too much to advocate the burka here. But I am defending some of the values that the burka represents for me.

For me, the burka represents a woman's consecration to her husband and family. Only they see her.

It affirms the privacy, exclusivity and importance of the domestic sphere.

The Muslim woman's focus is her home, the "nest" where her children are born and reared. She is the "home" maker, the taproot that sustains the spiritual life of the family, nurturing and training her children, providing refuge and support to her husband.

In contrast, the bikinied American beauty queen struts practically naked in front of millions on TV. A feminist, she belongs to herself. In practice, paradoxically, she is public property. She belongs to no one and everyone. She shops her body to the highest bidder. She is auctioning herself all of the time.

In America, the cultural measure of a woman's value is her sex appeal. (As this asset depreciates quickly, she is neurotically obsessed with appearance and plagued by weight problems.)

As an adolescent, her role model is Britney Spears, a singer whose act approximates a strip tease. From Britney, she learns that she will be loved only if she gives sex. Thus, she learns to "hook up" rather than to demand patient courtship and true love. As a result, dozens of males know her before her husband does. She loses her innocence, which is a part of her charm. She becomes hardened and calculating. Unable to love, she is unfit to receive her husband's seed.

The feminine personality is founded on the emotional relationship between mother and baby. It is based on nurturing and self-sacrifice. Masculine nature is founded on the relationship between hunter and prey. It is based on aggression and reason. .

In the "brave new world," women are not supposed to be "nest" makers, or progenitors of the race. They are meant to be neutered autonomous creatures that indulge in sex for physical pleasure, not for love or procreation.

At his press conference, Donald Rumsfeld said that Iranian women and youth were restive under the rule of the Mullahs. He implied that the US would soon liberate them. To Britney Spears? To low-rise "see-my-thong" pants? To the mutual masturbation that passes for sexuality in America?

Parenthood is the pinnacle of human development. It is the stage when we finally graduate from self-indulgence and become God's surrogates: creating and nurturing new life. Pornography is the substitute for marriage. We are to remain stunted: single, sex-starved and self-obsessed.

We are not meant to have a permanent "private" life. We are to remain lonely and isolated, dependent on consumer products for our identity, in a state of perpetual courtship.

This is especially destructive for woman. Her sexual attraction is a function of her fertility. As fertility declines, so does her sex appeal. If a woman devotes her prime years to becoming "independent," she is not likely to find a permanent mate.

Her long-term personal fulfillment and happiness lies in making marriage and family her first priority.

Feminism is another cruel New World Order hoax that has debauched American women and despoiled Western civilization. It has ruined millions of lives and represents a lethal threat to Islam.

I am not advocating the burka but rather some of the values that it represents, specifically a woman's consecration to her future husband and family, and the modesty and dignity this entails.

The burka and the bikini represent two extremes. The answer lies somewhere in the middle.

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This constant outpour of anti-feminist(not that any1 here claims to be a feminist..n no matter how many times the girls explain the distinction, you came back with another post) posts is nothing short of BORING UD.

And All this talk about receiving your husbands seed makes me wanna throw up instantly..


I dont know when it became your business to tell us how we should live our lives.


[ September 21, 2003, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: BARWAAQO ]

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Athena, in greek mythology, is the Greek goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature.


After viewing your recent posts, my dear, I see that you're the ultimate authority in post-response. Never presented an idea - sorta like Ebert and Roeper, 2 thumbs way down. Critic extraordinaire. I may be copying and posting articles, but at least I'm presenting something - try it you might like it.


I say this because if you did, you would realize that I'm not telling you how to live your - even by implying that it shows you as a follower constantly looking for direction.


If you feel it necessary to critize me and what I bring into this forum feel free. But if you take the retorts personally, you have a lot of growing to do.


[ September 21, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: BARWAAQO ]

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Qac Qaac   

underdog man, take it easy on the girl. i think she is a bit confused that's all.


underdog thanks man for the great article, i think the girl is kind of got trapped in the nwo games, so i guess she is kind of slave for them. and u know the best slave is the one that don't know he is right. anyways i am liking your posts these days, and i think u r enlighten us, keep on doing the good job. and pls just pray for our sisters the ones believe that they could muslim and feminist at the same time, that allah shows them the right path ok.

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You have resorted to the lowest possible blow in that last post - an attack on my intellect. For some1 who boasts of intelligence, you sure dont post anything original.


It would be in insult to give a civilised response to that article.


I would be dignifying your asinine reply if I bothered to write further.

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Great article...


Underdog, I don't see why you take things personal if you don't like the reply you get from others...You don't have to attack the person each time he/she does not see things your way...


N'way, I enjoyed reading the article...I really like the meaning behind it...


Athena, girl, I feel you...Go easy on the brotha...

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The attack did not begin with me...I respect her decision to oppose the post and ( as you can see in the previous responses) I asked her to tune out if she didn't like what she was reading. She started the name-calling.


by the way "asinine" is where you brought this conversation.

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Qac Qaac   



don't u think?


raggaan hip hopka, intay gacmaha ay taag taagayaan ayuu aduunka dhammaan doonaa. what u think?


check out the pick right above me guys!!!

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UD + Athena...


Hate to interfere in that quaint little mud-slinging session...but it has to be done.



PS: Athena...'asinine' huh? LoL...I won't even ask! :D

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