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Troll, Shah and Sheeko

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Ever walked into the mosque just as the prayer finished? The late comers look and shuffle towards each other with everyone not wanting to lead. Well, I was to lead after everyone made an excuse. I was even wearing 3 qtr length shorts but a few nudges and I had no choice.


The nerves set in. Will I stutter? Will I get an ayah wrong? Sweat began to gather on my forehead. Those walking out had a quick look. The numbers behind me doubled and quadrupled before the 2nd rakca.


A relief. Read quite well even if I say so my self.


Probably the most nervous I have been since walking into my wedding heh.

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Originally posted by N.O.R.F:

Ever walked into the mosque just as the prayer finished? The late comers look and shuffle towards each other with everyone not wanting to lead. Well, I was to lead after everyone made an excuse. I was even wearing 3 qtr length shorts but a few nudges and I had no choice.


The nerves set in. Will I stutter? Will I get an ayah wrong? Sweat began to gather on my forehead. Those walking out had a quick look. The numbers behind me doubled and quadrupled before the 2nd rakca.


A relief. Read quite well even if I say so my self.


Probably the most nervous I have been since walking into my wedding heh.

Dhibkaas dhan ma kugu dhici laheen had you being a xerow long time ago and lead taraawiix and tahajjud regularly, but I am guessing waligaa dugsi loox xataa maadan tagin :D , illeen waxaan is leeyahay xagee buu Norf's salaad iska qaban la'dahay, you need that dose of quud-awliyo waryee :D

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Done it once with three Arabs. The loudest one got to be Imam. It was Maghrib. He read suurat Al Naas. When he got to "Men Al Jinnati wal naas" he got it wrong and said (as many people do) "Men Al Jannati wal naas". One of the guys corrected him. He still repeated the line wrong. The guy corrected him again. He got it wrong a third time. The guy shouted "Men AL JINNATI wal naas, ya ximaar". They had a fight there and then and I had to break it. Meanwhile, the fourth guy was still standing in his place unsure of carrying on or stopping. I recall that scene every time I pray taraawix. :D

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looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool@NG ,, reminds me of this imam in Burco who got confused after he forgot the Rukuuc and they kept saying Subhanallah ,,, he then turned to the crowd and shouted "WAAR MAXAA LEEDIHIIN DEE" :D:D



Ibti ,,, It was a whole mosque de ,, :D

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^^ :D


It is always crazy being surrounded by English speaking people, and the use of certain words such us sorry, excuse me etc.


Recently I was leading a prayer at a local mosque, we missed the Jamaaca, it was a maghrib prayer, I recited some aayaat from Sura Taah, first Raka' went fine, second Rak'ak I made a mistake, still in Sura Taah though, aayad baa igu dhiiqatey oo ahaa kuwii ka hadlayey Nabi Muusa iyo Fircoon iyo Saaxiriintii soo muslimi jirtey, markey igu dhiiqatey ayaa waxaan iri "sorry sorry" markaan ogaadey inaan tiinbadey oy iga hallaawdey oon baxar galey ayaan gadaal u soo rogtey si la iiga badalo imaamnimada, qof kale ayaan horey u takhaantikhiyey lineka hore ku jirey si uu salaada u sii wado, anigii gadaal baan kala sii qabsadey salaada, rakcadii iga tagtey een ku tunteyna halkii ku gutey :D

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^^ All our stories are nothing compared to Norf leading the prayers with shorts on. Fish fooqal fish.


Heh@War maxaad leedihiin dee. :D

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:D:D:D:D ....


Still in Burco, it was maghrib and the Imam remembered that he is without ablution just after he finished the first Faataxa ,,,, he went out of the front door without appointing anyone to lead the prayers .......... it took a while ,,,, then the Mu'adin moved, took the microphone and told the people "WAAR MAXAAD QABANAYSAAN DEE SOWKAA IMAAMKII ISKA TEGEY" ,,,, :D:D



I was there ,,,,,,,,,,,,, looooooooooooool

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