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Troll, Shah and Sheeko

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I have not been everywhere. Yet. smile.gif


I'm afraid I only went to the touristy places of Turkey and it wasn't cheap but not expensive either. Depends what currency you're converting lol. I went twice and both times had the best weather and food experience. Hilib baan ka dhargey which is a novelty for me. I found the men quite forward, sometimes so forward they follow you and fall in step next to you, romancing you though you don't give a darn.

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a whole week baa dhiman?


whats your plan for Eid anyway? anigu baaf xalwo ah baan rabaa

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Shush that reminds me I need to find a local xajji yusuf xalwa shop and put in an order of odkac this weekend.


Well; to the mosque, catch up my relatives. Then spend the rest of the day with family.


p.s that never stopped JB.


How about you?

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eh going to prayers first thing then i might have to work then seeing the kids insha allah


if anyone knows of any upcoming somali events (worthy events) please let me know. xoogaa marketing baan ka caajisay and i need to get it all done by end of the year.


drop me a pm and waan hishiineynaa

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