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Troll, Shah and Sheeko

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Do you own the language? Carabyahow :D


I know know more than you think I know. I admit I could and should know more.

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^^ War if you lived in Mexico and spoke Spanish as badly as you speak Arabic, I would still be annoyed. :D

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friday should be happy day but maryooley ruining it for me redface.gif


try explaining gaalkan waxaad usheegto meel baa lagugu qori...i am sorry i cant change it, you cant change it now go away

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labadiinaan iga koreya - soomaali ma ahidin miyaa?


Juxa, haddey adiga kuu sheegannah?



Salaamu Calaykum Soomaali oo dhaney

Salaanta kowaaddi waa tan idinku imi

Salaanta labaadna waa tan idinku xakumo

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I am somali lakin i dispute your right to greet somali oo dhan when shaki iiga jiro you are somali yourself


and to answer your question of course waan qoraa waxaad iishegto if nothing else to cover myself

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indeed you are somali - evidence: disputing my right to greet all somalis.


then if i am to go by your earlier statement - dhaqan gaalo baad samayneysaa icon_razz.gif

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Any minute now, Jb is going to start a new thread. It will say something about this coming Tuesday.


** Puts Xiin's Crystal Ball away **

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I sound like a man. My boss calls me this morning

Him: Hello

Me: yes, hi

Him: Who is that?

Me: er Ibtisam, who was you trying to call

Him: Oh Goodness me, your voice, you really should stop smoking

Me: err I don't smoke

Him: I never get a flu, you young girls kiss far too many people, that is how you get flu often. Have you ever seen me sick with the flu?

Me: I didn't kiss anyone


Trying to get out of work by 2pm and crawl back to bed.


SalamAlikum & Jumca Mubarak peeps.


Sayid Somal did you get the letter?

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^^ :D:D:D:D



NGONGE, JB waad waad la kulantay, ma nin quman buu kuula egyahay horta oo fayoow :D

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^^Maxad la dool caadeyin???


Been staring at the computer at nothing in particular for like 5 whole minutes. :eek: :eek: :eek:

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