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Troll, Shah and Sheeko

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why should they invite you? you would just sulk and look bored anyway.


hello CL


JB if you want jago, you better start acting like wasiir. first get rid of the cowboy belt and colorful shirts. second cut the label tag on your jacket sleeve (right hand corner)


and finally stop hanging out with rehab kids.

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oo ma networking baa? never considered partying at a form of networking but thanks hada kadib i shall call nights out networking-opportunities


CL, haye did you sort your diracs out?

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is babi markaa!!!


it is quite here, sometimes i wish we could go back to somalia for summer holidays, feel bloody jealous seeing others going back to their respective tuulos

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^Come with me next year to my tuulo.. smile.gif it's got beaches.


CL in a dirac?


CL,its called 'mke wa uji' in swahili - people get married for


Subax wanagsan folks!

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malika it is a date, i wont mind being spoilt by your kin, i heard your tuulo people are very generous and hospitable


CL looks fab in dirac, obviously she will wear skinny jeans underneath

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^Lool@skinny jeans underneath,am sure she will tuck the dirac in the jeans too, yeah she rocks a mean afro too..she is a beauty though,wont matter how she dresses.


Insha'allah juxa, next year am your host..We can have lobster/fresh papayas for breakfast by the veranda..LOL-start dreaming. icon_razz.gif

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I met someone who was selling Jeans ,,, one them he said it is called a "condom jeans" .... never heard of it ,, :D

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The sulking and bored look my dear is an art.


Hello Juxa & Mpendwa.


You bet I look good in Dirac. But part of me can’t keep up with the new styles. I wish we had designers in this field who will invest in segsifying that garment (oohh yah I think it needs to)


As for the skinny jeans comment……no comment and yes why do people wear a belt/jacket with dirac horta? Don’t even start me on the dirac turned into gunteeno style some people are attempting to rock.


Mpendwa- umecheki Swiss air they have amazing deals.


p.s JB-u need sheydhan kunaar

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dirac with belt gives some definition, i tried once and looked fab (but then again i look fab even if i wore juuni)


i think it is time to dig out vintage diracs, the current season waa like wearing see true ilyar/masar with horrible colors that would turn you blind

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CL try wearing vintage dirac jabuuti, subtle colors and lovely texture with simple plain garbasaar you will look fab


ps: ditch the jeans lakin


JB yaan lagu fire gareyn before you get the new jago

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