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Troll, Shah and Sheeko

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I don't like biscuits. Actually, I don't mind biscuits but I never go out of my way to buy biscuits. Last year, someone at work bought me a jar of biscuits and filled it with all sorts of the stuff (as a thank you for something or other). Ever since, the damn thing stayed on my desk and every time I offer someone a biscuit (as you do) they come back the next day with a full packet to thank me for the ONE biscuit I offered them the day before. How am I supposed to lose weight if everyone is conspiring against me in such a way?


Hello Malika. Biscuit?

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lol, ninyow accept your fat rolls with grace.


contrary to public belief i dont have sweet tooth. i like occasional cake and in particular faheema's cake, since tasting i stopped buying shop cakes.


might ask my cousin to make somali-cake, light, fluffy and with cocunut yammyyy

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^^ What I don't understand is how after all this time of scoffing Faheema's cakes you didn't think of ditching the middle man (or woman in this case) and learn to make your own cake! Is Faheema that much of a xaasid? Can't she just teach you? :D

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NGONGE, I just bought these



Care for some? :D



Afternoon all.


Eidt: NGONGE, Juxa and I have an agreement already ee orad naga tag icon_razz.gif

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LOL@Sayid,sootaa aad tiriid your a married man and dont do hugs?..Honestly today,I could do with a tab of Hagen Das - cookie dough. I am that miserable.. :(:D

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ngonge there is something highly comforting in visiting faheema and scoffing her cakes.


ma anaaba raba inaan barto how to bake!


too bad you cant come, maybe faheema wants you to stay trim and pretty.


malika, forget his hugs, waa faarax qalalan anyway, got some chocolate fudge in the fridge, bal soo kor highwayga.

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faheema is that what you call a biscuit - i wonder what you call a cake :D


Malika - it is xalaal to give hugs to habaryaro - or so i have being told.


Juxa - 388328-ROMANIA_THE_HANDKISS_-Romania.jpg


Ngonge - pd212778.jpg


or somali way: 388328-ROMANIA_THE_HANDKISS_-Romania.jpg

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Sayid, I have no idea. I didn't look at my e-mails last night. Bal let me check it now. :D


Faheema, I knew you were a xaasid.

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^IT's a pack of three and it's to shut up the Interfering old hags. icon_razz.gif


lol Juxa, cabaad baa ka soo hadhay, buskut qarax ku eekada dhe :D

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I think Faheema has finally done what I could not do for so long, put me off Cake, she gave me cake for breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner for months, and now cake does not give me the same excited feeling. Now it is just aah more cake. I don't have time to miss cake anymore and admire cake from a far, it is always on my plate.


Considering a month cake free to get the buzz back.

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