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Football Tournament for Somaliland Community in UK

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West London Somaliland Community is organising a Football Tournament on the 2nd and 3rd February 2008 at Hayes End Community Park


hadhwanaag 2008-01-28 (Hadhwanaagnews) West London Somaliland Community is organising a Football Tournament on the 2nd and 3rd February 2008 at Hayes End Community Park. This tournament is part of a wide Football project which is intended to act as a diversionary tool for majority of disadvantaged youths. Additionally this tournament is a vital platform for young people to showcase their skills and interact with like minded individuals.


The tournament is free for all who want to partake in it. West London Somaliland Community continuously strives to provide free events that are worthwhile and fight for social justice for all socially excluded people.


The tournament provides prizes for winning teams but the best prize of all is creating a social arena full of fun and activities for everyone. So don’t miss it and register yourself before Wednesday 30th January 2008.


To register for the tournament please call the following numbers or email:

0208 561 9709





West London Somaliland Community wishes you all

a very happy and prosperous 2008!!!!!!

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^^Its bit far to go for a football tournament saxib. Mind you we did drive from northern England to central Italy just for a football tournament :cool:


Besides, I'm too good to play with amateurs :D

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Somali tournament haye? just wait for a fight to break after a foul


Sounds good anyway, I'll forward the message to my bro.

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^^In one tournament we were busy playing then a fight broke out between the spectators :D . In another one the spectators ran on the pitch to try and fight us :D

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^You are almost half there, just add the suffix lander or leen to the Somali. And make sure you don't wear any indicative of Buluugo. I heard that drive the lander gals crazy. And you don't wanna Africaown going ballistic on you.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

The tournament is free for all who want to partake in it.

The thread title is misleading but, just in case,say the word 'kubad' instead of 'banooni' just in case :D

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LOL, Kubad kulaha....


Sounds like an accidental cough. :D


Isn't it a bit short notice to have people register and organize a team in 3 days?


We ain't German, Bro.... that kind of organizational skill is a foreign concept to us Africans.

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Register? Organise? You just turn up on the day with what is your best team (those who you managed to contact and actually woke up and made the journey), name your team (usually involves great debate) and play.


ps accidental cough? rather than an Intalian cuisine? :D

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Originally posted by underdog:

If I'm not a Somalilander, will I be refused to partake?

From past experience, reer Djibouti used to be welcomed with open arms in similar tournaments. smile.gif

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