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No Faheema. I have a track record of apologising and accepting apologies too. That is when I am convinced of the mistake I did or done to. In this case, none has been committed.

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^^ Just accept her apology. Kubbad ban ku salaxayna adna Judo bad wale ku jirta. :D


Faheema, I accept on his behalf and apologise in turn. smile.gif

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By the way JB, here is the story. Ignore messy nature of it. I wrote it in between running around the office and talking on the phone.


Do it in Somali and add spice here and there.



Qaasim gathered what was left of his Khat and began to stand up. The mafrash owner exclaimed ‘war xagaad ku socota, it is still early saaxib’. But Qaasim was feeling unusually tired today and felt that completing his session at home would be best.


It was three o’clock in the morning when, as Qaasim, was searching his pockets for his house keys; he noticed two big black bin bags outside his front door!


He stood staring at the bags and asking himself, could his wife really stoop so low? She never displayed any signs in the past of being one of these vulgar new women that hang their dirty washing in public. Did someone put her up to this? Has what I’ve done been this bad as to deserve having my clothes tossed out in such a crass way?


Qaasim was a philosophical man not known for his rash actions or aggressiveness. He quickly weighed the matter in his head and decided that a confrontation at this time of night would be useless and most damaging. He resignedly picked up the two black bin bags and walked back to the mafrash.


Once there, and noticing the surprise of the regulars, he came clean and sheepishly told them that he’s been thrown out. The regulars, as they often did in the past, rallied round and offered him their heartfelt sympathies, left over khat and even half finished cups of tea. The mafrash owner went a step further and offered him a bed for the night.


Having no other place to go, Qaasim accepted and hurled his two bin bags into an empty corner of the room. Two days later, as he sat there happily chewing and boasting (in muted whispers) to the man next to him as to how he’s going to move on and get himself a new woman, a cousin of his walked into the mafrash.


Qaasim made space for his cousin and asked him to come and sit by his side. The diplomatic cousin sat down and ordered some Khat. He then started to talk about various trivialities and news. After an acceptable period of small talk he told Qaasim that he wants to talk to him in private and if he would not mind stepping out into the fresh air for five minutes (we can smoke as we talk, he said).


Qaasim got up and went outside with his cousin. The cousin fired three successive proverbs Qaasim’s way and followed them with a long lecture about the pointlessness of single life. Qaasim knew what the cousin was hinting at but did not interrupt him until after the single life lamentation. By then he had had enough and decided to speak:


‘I did not choose to be single, inadeer’. Said Qaasim.


‘What?’ Said the cousin.


‘She kicked me out, inadeer’ Cried Qaasim.


‘Who?’ Said the cousin.


‘Who else! My former wife, inadeer’. Said Qaasim.


‘War what are you talking about? What former wife?’ Asked the cousin.


‘What are YOU talking about?’ Retorted a confused Qaasim.


‘I wanted to tell you that I’m planning to get married and wanted you to help me with that matter’ Said the cousin.


‘Oh!’ Laughed Qaasim.


‘Did she really kick you out?’ Asked the cousin.


‘Yes’ Said Qaasim.


‘Why?’ Asked the cousin.


‘I don’t know. I came home one night to find my clothes in a couple of black bags by the door’ Said Qaasim.


‘Did you speak to your wife since?’ Asked the cousin.


‘What is there to talk about?’ Asked a proud Qaasim.


‘Are you not at least curious about her reasons for kicking you out?’ Asked the cousin.


‘Yes. But I am not going to call her. She kicked me out, she can call’ Replied Qaasim defiantly.


‘Do you want me to call her and find out?’ Asked the cousin.


‘Would you mind?’ Bleated Qaasim pathetically.


‘Not at all, I’ll pretend to be looking for you and then lead the conversation to her reasons for kicking you out’ Replied the cousin.


‘Call her now please’ Begged Qaasim.


The cousin picked up his mobile and dialled the number.


‘Hello’ Said the wife.

‘Hello’ Said the cousin.


She recognised his voice and shouted ‘where is that cousin of yours?’


The cousin panicked and said: ‘Calm down, sister-in-law’


‘How could I calm down when I have not seen my husband for three full days?’ Shouted the wife.


‘Eh?’ Said the cousin.


‘He has not been home for THREE days’ Said the wife.


‘But did you not kick him out and leave his clothes in black sacks by the front door?’ Asked the cousin.


‘What black sacks? Oh no!’ Said the wife.


‘Oh NO!’ Said the cousin.


Qaasim was standing next to his cousin and shuffling from foot to foot as he listened to this conversation. The cousin asked him of the whereabouts of the black sacks. Qaasim pointed to the mafrash. The cousin ran in and started to open the bags. The stench almost killed him........

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Brilliant NG- If I have half-of your talent, with all the encounters of life I witnessed, I should have been contending to the Booker Prizes. Anyway, I for once thought, the women found Condoms in her husband pockets. Now, I see it is normal Mirqaan business. I have seen plenty of it. Our friend -Iran- is enough to fill pages.


JB- don't copy the story. Change Qasim's name to Daahir.

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^^ Daahir would have been perfect. Just imagine him outside the presidential palace arguing with a couple of policemen and telling them to pick up the black sacks quietly. With his background in the 'secret' service he probably does not trust anyone and would now suspect that his household has been infiltrated by Kulmiye operatives. :D



Thanks for the praise. If I were Faheema I'd call you inconsistent. at this point.

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THANK YOU ALL for your advices ,, i really appreciate them all.


I will take your advices as it is. This means i will write more than one story here.


Faheema, I will write that Devil side of me ,,, would be fun i tell ya ,, :D



nuune, that is an Excellent idea. All these cyber characters will make a full book once i start to describe them one by one ,,, and explain the life in the cyber world.


CL, Thanks ,,,


NG, Thank you very much for the silly story ,,, this is good. I will turn it into Somali, twist the words, play with the story and come up with a funny one. It suits a series writing i was going to start about "Magaalo joog xumo" ,,, Thank you again sxb.


A&T, Thanks for the advice. I would like to take some of your stories but you spend too much time constructing the characters and the stories are not usually finished. I was thinking of taking the one that was recently deleted ,,, Yes i still have a copy of it somewhere ,, :D ,,, But that doesn't seem a good idea as we are in the last 10 days of Ramadan. It will be another story after Ramadan Insha Allah.


A&T, sxb adigu hadii kubbadu isu kaa sallaxdana laadi garan maysid walaahi ,,,, :D

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^ That will be the day :D



Originally posted by NGONGE:



Thanks for the praise. If I were Faheema I'd call you inconsistent. at this point.

LoL I have made peace, so I shall refrain smile.gif

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