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NSBE's convention March 23-27, 2005 Boston, Massachusetts

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NSBE's East Africa Tsunami Relief Campaign


More than 140,000 were killed. Nearly 150,000 are missing. Countless are homeless.


The devastating tsunami that rocked the world in December took its toll on many countries in Asia and East Africa. And while numerous aid and relief organizations have been collecting donations worldwide, the damage suffered still requires a great deal of our support. So, as an organization committed to social consciousness, the National Society of Black Engineers is sponsoring an East Africa Tsunami Relief Campaign to aid our brothers and sisters trying to reclaim their lives after this most tragic crisis. To those of you still looking to offer assistance to the more than 50,000 East African families displaced by the tsunami, NSBE invites you to join efforts so that our impact will be striking and significant.


Donations to the campaign are quick and easy with payments made via NSBE OnLine. Simply login to NOL at
click on the "Donations" tab, find the "Make a Donation" link, and enter your donation amount in the box corresponding to the "East Africa Tsunami Relief Fund." Payments by credit card and E-check are accepted. If you'd like to send cash or a personal check, please send payments to the NSBE lock box at:



P.O. Box 404153

Atlanta, GA 30384-4153


Donations are being accepted until April 1, 2005, and all proceeds will go to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), where assistance in the form of housing, supplies, clothing and food will be delivered to tsunami victims in East Africa. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established in 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The organization is a two time recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, honored for "bringing relief and aid to countless refugees and displaced persons." For more information on UNHCR visit their website at


NSBE looks forward to your donation and continued support in all of our initiatives.

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Haa saaxiib, Baashi.


Waa xagee meeshaas, anaa kula dagan BeanTown, ee waa xagee meesha ay shirarku ka socdaan iyo waqtiga, bal ila socodsii adeer. Oo mideeda kale, baashiiyoow Boston inaan kaligey ugu macawiis weynahay baan mooday, mise adaaba iiga sita, balo!


Waxaan ku weydiiyay, Muqaayada Ina Canshuur ee Masjid Alxamdulilah, Dudly Area, ku taal bal weydiiyo waxaa ku dhahdaa "meeyay Alle-ubaahne, gudoomiyaha Taxi-leyaasha". lol


haye hada. Adeer shaaha anigaa qaba iyo fadhiga. Ina-Dhagaxtuurna arinteedana waxaan ku oran lahaa, la jiifiyaana banaan, la joojiyaana banaan.


As/Cykm Wr.

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^ :D


Sharci baa ka yaal, shirkuna waa xiran yahay. Rent car-ka waaban kansalayaa hadii aad cab driver tahay; dee maqaaxidana i habee amaba i tilmaan saaxiib.


Inna Dhagax-tuur waa bilcaan dee :D bilcaanna akhrin baa ku filan. Marna ha i oran ii lagad saaxiib. Annagu ma naqaan gabdho la i sa siiyo iyo kuwa la isu legdo toona. Ha ii celin kalaamka noocaas ah fadlan. Waan ku xajiimoodaa. Ku la dirriri mayo laakiin waan ku tuhmayaa :D


Awoowe barrigaan wiil hooga ahaa howshu weyska fududeyd haddase baabu suufi bey mareysaa. Sawtan la yiri ninka aan inkirin Somalinimada ama af-qalaadka aad ugu tiraabeynin laba dhugan mayo! Tan ceynkaas oo kale ah awoowe ha ka maqnaato. Waa ku kaa hadde waa anniga kuu garaabey.


Awoowe hadii howshu isku kaa qaban weydo "ma diido" ku akhri meesha ay doonto ha ka dhacdo hadhow kolku waa u beryo :D Anna maa shuftik cimrii abada ninkaan mid "ma diido" lagu akhriyey baa laga sheegay :D Maa caleesh, whatever works saaxiib.


Nin dheer oo madow oo yaraha caato ah oo bud dheer sita oo mucawis maleysiyaan ah aayaroo gibina ku xaragoonaya agagaarka Hynes Convention Center on Boylston street hadaad sheeda ka argato ii dhawaaq boowe.

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Kaalay ninka Essex Street kasoo lugeynaya ma adigaa, oo hadeer soo jaray Newburry Street? Waxaan saaranahay meesha ugu sareysa ee Sarta Prudential, toorbin ayaa diirada iigu saaran tahay meelwalba oo Boston ka mid ah. Xitaa Mayor-ka Menino ayaan u jeedaa farxad darteed u dabaaldagaya Koobkii New England Patriots.


Waxaa ila jooga laba nin oo saaxiibadeey oo magaalada ka waayay gabar fiican oo qurux badan, marka waxaan kula taliyay inay meeshaan la fuulaan Microscope Magnifier ah oo 2200 Lenses wata, waliba nooca Vision Penetrator-ka la dhaho. Inkastoo la yiri qaarkiis wuxuu ka dhex baxaa dharka iyo maryaha qofku wato. So far, waxaan la dhacno indhahayagu ma qaban. Waxaan Aragnay kaliyah %#* binu Fulaan oo dalxiis Boston u timid mar aan Purse-da wallet-ka ugu jira aqrineynay. Waxaad moodaa inay xoogaa eedo noogu aadan tahay, lol.


Lenox Hotel cabstand-ka ku yaalo ayuu gaarigii iigu tiirsan yahay oo ragaan ayaan rabaa inaan caawiyo. Xoogaa kadib, diirada toorbinka waxaan ku leexin doonnaa dhanka Dukaanka Balan Baalis, si aan u eegno dadka Xawilaada ka darsanaya, waa intaas oo aan isha ku dhufunaa gabar kala xiran oo Soomaali ah. Balse waad igu sugi kartaa gaariga dhexdiisa, furaha waxaad kala baxdaa Tire-ka bidix hoostiisa. Radiyaha isku sii maaweeli oo waxaa ku jira cajalkii Dhoodaan, gabaygii jacbur, ii baashaal adeer.


Waa tahay adeer, isma dhaafno.

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Waxaan Aragnay kaliyah Femme Fatale oo dalxiis Boston u timid mar aan Purse-da wallet-ka ugu jira aqrineynay. Waxaad moodaa inay xoogaa eedo noogu aadan tahay, lol.

Ceeb caleyk! War ninyahow xaafadayada dumarka lalama caraatamo oo waa ceeb kabiir. Maxay tahay madashaad tagtaba gabar yar oo aad berri kaftan is dhaafsateen baad dabada heysataa. War ninyahaw nin wanaagsan baad tahay laakiin cilad yar oo la sixi karo baan kugu arkay ee ninyahaw sidan wax ka badal oo aabiga badan ee gabdhaha aad ku aabyooneyso iska daa.


Awoowe inaan is qabano waa rag xaajadii soo ma'aha :D

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Bes adeer, waan tirtiray walee. Waxaan rabay kaliyah inteey soo gasho shirka ineey i xagxagato oo hadhoowna aan yara xagafta ugu jiido heshiis qarsoodi ah, :D .


Haye hada, adeer waan sii tagayaa oo Northeastern University ayaan fadhiyay, marka waan sii caraabayaa sidaas hanoo joogto sheekada. Wixii ikaa weydiiyana u sheeg, dee shukaansi ayaan ku jiraa ayaantan oo waqtigii ayaaba cariiri iska noqday.


Rag waa shax iyo sheeko, halagu arko Xaaji Baashiyoow. Ninkii Saaxiibkaa ahaana, (Jamaal-yare) igu salaan, safar iyo howlo kale ayaa igu jiro, waxaad ku dhahdaa alle-ubaahne qorshe culus ayuu hayaaye kasoo doono akhbaarta culus. Meesha ugu horeysa uu iga fiirin karo waa PM.


Nabadeey Gudoomiye

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Look for an oday with macawis and bakooro @ one of the corporate booths and that's good old Baashi

Baashi, such an outfit will make u stand out in a crowd, laakin it isn't complete, what happened to the cimaamad?


Rent car-ka waaban kansalayaa hadii aad cab driver tahay; dee maqaaxidana i habee amaba i tilmaan saaxiib.

I can already imagine poor baashi oo kabihi laga siibtay in a dark boston allyway, poor guy bare footed and holding to his bakooro and macawiis with one hand while the other hold his hat :D Baashi u like taking risks soo ma aha ;)

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Baashi. Could you please bring me some of the world famous Boston Baked beans?(theres a reason why am asking for it, ask me later) icon_razz.gif


Also an autographed Tshirt of Almost Pres. John Forbes kerry will do. Thanks. :D

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Alle-u-Baahane, sxb safar salaama.


Dawoco, ever seen Eddie Murphy’s coming to America? It’s more like it! :D He survived in the ghetto didn’t he? Hell, he even found the tender-hearted, unselfish lady he’s been looking for. Same here my fair lady, I shall survive in the dark alleys of Boston if I ever end up there. I’m still an untamed lion and with my bakooro in my right hand, I can teach the boys one or two tricks.


Help me here dhuubo, compose me few lines that can rhyme. The poem should reflect my geeljirnimo and must be suitable for rap. Something that can put my nomadland in the map...more like what Men at work had done for Australia when they sang the famous down under signature song. Do you come from a land down under?, Where women glow and men plunder?, Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover!


Mr. many names, no beans for you icon_razz.gif ...hint hint, this trip is not a cheap one :D

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Mr. many names, no beans for you ...hint hint, this trip is not a cheap one

I hope u are not implying that the world famous beans of BEAN TOWN itself is cheap.


Ok coukld you get me an autographed picture of sen. Kerry's house then?

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I'm not a democrat u kno! Besides, I don't like the idea of asking celebs their autographed pixs...ahem! I don't stoop that low sxb. Somalis don't do that :D tell ya what tho, I'm gonna get red sox souvenirs for u. How does that sound buddy :D

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Couple of Somalis from my school are coming for this. I will tell them to look out for oday with macawiis and bakooro and get a pic when he is not looking. I will share it with the nomads...j/k. Anyway, they went to the Ohio one last year and it was a blast.


By the way, what kind of gifts is your company bringing to the booth, anything neat?

Good luck

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Khalid: Lockheed Martin was in my school and they had posters and pens in their booth and I grabbed a pen and it took me 15 mins to figure out how to open it! Finally, I just gave it to one of the Engineers I know :D so, don't get your hopes up with the booth gifts icon_razz.gif

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