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Dispatches: It Shouldn't Happen to a Muslim,

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^^Are you gonna take some people along??


Loool North, why baad ii qarxiisy!


Ngonge lol, [shakes head]


A&T you might need to work on that.

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It was a good show, well presented and he had done his research. It was interesting to see the Evening Standard headlines from 1911!


It makes me so mad that these papers (Sun, Express which i doubt have many muslim readers) can get away with saying anything about muslims without a shred of evidence...


That seems a bit crazy.

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Keep up the good work Ibti, smile.gif and there non muslims who don't like how Muslims are treated. check this link from states on how Muslims are treated there,

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Channel 4 Wants to Know More About the Online British Muslim Community


Where do British Muslims go on the web? What sites excite them or entertain them? Do social networks and blogs cater to the needs of Muslims? Channel 4 is conducting research into the online habits and interests of British Muslim communities. If you would like to contribute, or have any comments to make, please email:

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