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Is it rude to be nude?

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Ms DD   


Naturist guilty of sexual assault

A naturist who answered the door naked to a woman he had invited to tea has been convicted of sexual assault.

Alan Cooper, 46, told the 21-year-old: "It's not rude to be nude" and sat next to her when she entered his flat.


At St Albans Crown Court, she said: "He wanted to find my ticklish spot. He lifted up my t-shirt and my bra."


Cooper of Puckeridge, Herts, had denied sexual assault on 7 September. He was remanded in custody while reports are prepared before he is sentenced.


In my mind there is no difference between clothed and nude


Alan Cooper


Prosecutor Robert Porter told the court: "Mr Cooper is a naturist. He spends a lot of time at home wearing no clothes."


Cooper, who lives with his wife Karen, who is also a naturist, had seen the woman earlier that day and invited her for a cup of tea at the home he was living in at that time in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire.


Initially she refused, but a little later she went to his home.


Denied touching her


"When she got there he opened the door and he was wearing nothing," said Mr Porter. "She went in and the two found themselves on the sofa.


"The defendant sought to find her ticklish spot. He lifted up her t-shirt and bra and touched her breasts. She said she did not like it and he stopped."


The girl then phoned her boyfriend. When he arrived Cooper, who had put on jogging bottoms, showed them both images of naked people on his computer, said the prosecutor.


The landscape gardener denied any sexual touching. He told the jury: "I opened the door and peered round. I thought it was the postman. I said 'Hello, I have got nothing on, but if you want you can come in'.


"The conversation got around to naturism. I said: 'It's not rude to be nude'. In my mind there is no difference between clothed and nude."


Cooper denied ever touching her breast or lifting her bra. He said he had touched her "pecs" with the tips of his fingers when they were discussing body shapes.


Judge Colin Colston QC remanded him in custody

"Is it rude to be nude?"


No (in your own home...mind), but grabbing hold of a stranger's thrups generally is!



As mentioned, what would have possessed her to actually enter and then "Find" herself on the sofa?

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:rolleyes: I don't get these people. He was NAKED when he answered the door, what did she expect? naag waalan. :rolleyes

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Nuudo maxaa rude ka dhigay? Maxee ahayd that maahmaah horta?


Lama qaawan waa u toostay. :D


Iyadaaba ka gardaran nin asagoo dharaantiis ah irida ka furay, haddana u gishay minankiis iyadoo arkeyso waxaas. Wax kale amee aragtay oo jeclaatay at first at the door, then realized later it isn't what she thought it seemed to her initially. :D

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I said 'Hello, I have got nothing on, but if you want you can come in'.

loooooool I wouldn't know why she is complaining, when the fact is that she went in regardless of his clothing status.


meshu rabo haka taabto yada somay isku donan icon_razz.gif


wa salaaamu alaikum

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