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Somali`Tory supporters

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wasn't there a couple here......who support Boris and the tories....?......


quote: The father of Tory Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague has been cautioned by police for a racist jibe, The Sunday Mirror can reveal.


According to police sources, Nigel Hague, 79 - whose son was party leader from 1997 to 2001 - said he wished black people would "go back to their own countries".


full istory: autioned-by-police-for-racist-jibe-98487-20366971/

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^ Im all for anti-racism but this sounds more ignorant and xenophobic than racist I wouldn't be surprised if he actually thought that all black are from one country.


And can the police can caution somebody because of a comment like that :eek: ... the world is going crazy .

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Abu GJ

This is a pathetic attempt to smear the tory party. guilt by association doesnt always work sxb. are all germans nazis? i think not. are all somalis tribalist? perhaps. but you get my point.

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^^The Tory party will forever be associated with racists. What they class themselvesas these days? Center right?


Even though I would probably never vote for them, the Tories made it possible for me to live and be educated in blighty.

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