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Che -Guevara

Vacationing in Somalia

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Don't forget the down payment of $2,000 - $5,000.(as well as empty promises, i.e I will take her as soon as possible, insha allah)

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^^^ Yaree I feel sorry for the maskiin guy oo somaliya iska joogo oo la qaarijinooyo... I feel sorry for him.. Because qoftoo hool culus u baahan aa lagu darooyaa oo asaga xitaa waa la qaarijinooyaa..bajaq oo itoobiyaan la dagneed oo lasoo saqar suujiye by a xabashi aqash..aa madaxa loo gilaa asagoo caano geel iyo cad cunaayo oo murqiyo gaduud ah..maskiinka I feel it for him..


Ani hadaan asaga ahaan lahaa bajaq doo dariska aan ku qaban lahaa hoos hoos ka guursan lahaa oo kabacdi uuska ubuurinaa nooh.. yaa la isku qayilaa..extreme extreme aa laga horgeeyaa yaaqee!!!!!!


Wareer badanaa!!!

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Lmao@U Tuujiska, you really have a way with words.


My favourite "asagoo caano geel iyo cad cunaayo oo murqiyo gaduud ah" lol, yaa ku tusay unuu gaduud yahey?



and another favourite is :


"extreme, extreme aa laga horgeeya" you really had me cracking up.(adiga, instead of building your new home, you want to destroy it, waxaas marriage miyaa"

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^^^Yees.. Somalidaan intee is waalaan ee dhalo soo qaataan..adigana intii la is waalo ayaa labo dhalo loosoo qaataa!!! meaning if this guy was smart he would react to this shiiidh and tell them to back and keep your qashin for another qashin qub..does he look like a qashin qub markii bajaq banjartay ee asaga ku gadinaayaan "dee walaalo noo ceeb qari oo inantani guurso ducana la qaado" duco my azz more like habaar kaan laq biyo la'aan!!!


Ani hadii ila imaan lahaayeen waxaan ayagoo iga cuudu bileystay aa l a arki lahaa lol runtii oo itoobiyaanka ee kala soo caraneen ee baryi la haayeen lol...


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

War hadey xabash aado oo kan maahe mid kasii foolxun aado, waa wax ayada and ayada only utaalo, not aniga, not adiga, not kk utaalo.

Alaah, ani bal sheekadaan intee ka soo galay?

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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:


Did you ever use to see a somali sister hunging out with a foreing man when we were in our good days, no not at all. This is a shocking ashamed story wallaahi.

Just because you didn't see a somali sista with a foreigner back home, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Don't talk about things aadan ogeynin, and hana dhihin ""NO NOT AT ALL".


Women married cadaan back then just as they marry cadaan oo christian eh now. Men did it as well back then and men still do it.


PS:You people need to stop feeling sorry for the somali guy oo gabadha lagu darirabey. How many somali girls back home fall victim to odayaasha on the west. They go back home and buy brides and consume the marriage, Allah knows what type of diseases they are carrying and infect these innocent girls back home who have no clue that ninka lagu daray inuu midoo cadaan la seexday without protection prior to coming to her, STDS, possibility of aids, you name it, qaarkood wey qabaan. So, stop feeling sorry for one man back home, thousands of girls are victims because of nimanka soomaaliya oo hal shilin helayand la ordaayo and marrying some innocent, virgins and not telling the girl or her family that they already have a wife and children already. SHAME ON THESE SOMALI MEN, we know they exist, SHAME ON THEM

Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

Al-Mu'minah, why aa wax laguu dirsan uga hadashaa?


War hadey xabash aado oo kan maahe mid kasii foolxun aado, waa wax ayada and ayada only utaalo, not aniga, not adiga, not kk utaalo.


Aniga waxaan la yaabanahay waxa intiina nikulileenaayo, ninkee ninka islaameed oo gabadha in question lagu darirabey oo maybe already laguba daray, aa waxaad ka dhigteen mib maskiin maskiinkiisa kadaray.



How is he innocent? Maybe he was told about her before he agreed to marry her, maybe asaga ulterior motive uu qabaa oo wuxuu rabaa inuu somaliya kasoo baxo, soo marrying "canadian citizen" is exactly what he has been waiting for, tainted or not.


Yes, he is probably innocent and maybe just maybe not even tainted, but it is what it is. I will not feel sorry for just one individual when thousands of my sista's from different hooyo maalin walba lagumeysanaayo oo la iibsanaayo with few shilings and a bribe with sharci just so they can give them their goods to the mother of foolxumo, haile in the picture wuxuuba noqonaa wiil qurux badan compare to what my sisters back home have to put up with. Fat, ugly, old men. (atleast labada pictureka wexeyba u eg yihiin labo is jecel)

Ok aad iyo aad ayaad u saxsantahay. You are very much right walaalo. For I have seen your posts and dont see nothing but personal attacks and impulsive replies. Now, on my side you are the crowned girl of every thread!

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^You are one to speak.


Lets take a closer look at wiilka "baariga":



Without regard to their dressing style. I helped them with all I could do. And, adviced them to avoid any thing bad that will under mine their values. Now, the questio remains. Where are the brothers of these girls who were the pillers that they were accounting on ??????

What does their dressing style got to do with you lending a hand?


and who gave you the right to question meesha ay brotherkooda joogaan?


Thats why I always say, bad aadan laguu dirsay, hagalin.


Who asked you to give them advise? Are you the street lecturer?


YOu either help or don't help them, no in betweens.(how is that for attacking you?)


Are you telling me a non muslim lady hadey ku joojiso in the middle of the street and asks you for help, you wouldn't lift a finger because she is not dressed to your liking or the fact that she is not a muslim will play a role in your decision to help? What kind of BS is that, wiilka baariga eh oo my views ku waco "personal attacks".

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pple, dont worry about her, i will marry her...!

i am going to sland in december so, have her contact me.


if u hook me up with her, you will get a big reward when i collect the yarad... since thats gonna be high (damaged goods).


get to working.

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Originally posted by rudy:

if u hook me up with her, you will get a big reward when i collect the yarad... since thats gonna be high (damaged goods).

Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix Kix...Good one walaahay...


I better get right on it...I'll contact the Ethio guy here, act like I'm concerned and get her info for you...But once you get to S/land, you're on your own...I'll be waiting for my money, al Amal iigu soodir... :D

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