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Golden Girl


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Salaam to u all, i was just wondering if there are any ppl that left somalia in these late years or if we tell each other where we lived in Somalia, may be we might find our lost friends smile.gif


Well i did find a close relative in Paltalk few months ago, by telling each other where we lived and about school & dugsi Quraan..


Any 1 from Xamar jadiid here, or Baar labo dhagax


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W/salam o ra7mah smile.gif


I was replying your salam siso...I am not from where you mentioned. Nice to have you here.


Welcome to Nomad Family.



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W/S sister,


I used to live in Xamarjadiid, near by Farmashiye Faanoole, which is the opposite of Baar Hilaac. I was young at the time, but i recall most of the people who surrounded where I lived in.


So, ask me the people you knew in Xamarjadiid. I'll try to respond, insha allah. And finally welcome to the Nomadic Forum, am new here as well.

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Thnxz OG, My Dear. smile.gif


Alle U baahne Bro, firstly wlc, i don`t know that farmashiyo u are talking about, but i used to live beside masjid sheikh maxamed macalin, i don`t know if u know that mosque.

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sa wr wb

golden wlc to SOL, hope u enjoy yrself insha allah.


xamarjadiid ma aqaan bt anyone near jidka sodonka, fagax, baal lafwayn, hotel alxaramayn, that area?


i love this, like baafin smile.gif

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Dahabi-Girl, ha dhaaf, ha dhawoow, ha mood...


Hadaa rabtidna in aa wax kala baratid, meeshaan fiiri.


xamarjadiid ma aqaan bt anyone near jidka sodonka

Xamar Jadiid ma aqaano aa la lee yahay, Jidka Sodonkana waala sheegoyaa at the same. See camal, intee kaa mareen xaafadaha Xamar. Half of Jidka Sodonka is in Xamar Jadiid. Xamar Jadiid isn't/wasn't an official name, but it roughly occupied/occupies half of Bakaaraha, wixii kasii koreeyana Bakaaraha weyba tahay, sida Baar Bakiin, Laba Dhagax, Shiirkole, Towfiiq, Isbartiibada iyo of course Jidka Sodonka, siiba dhanka aadaayo Huriwaa.


Waxaas dhan Xamar Jadiid ee isku yihiin, maxaa yeelay wax la wada dhisay 1970s wixii ka danbeeye waaye, when Xamar expanded fast. In the early '60s when my father bought inexpensively a five-boos house near Isgoyska Bakaaraha, in that time what is known Suuqa Bakaaraha now was only meel cows iyo caanaha banaanka laga keeno lagu gado ee ahayd, inta kalena duur ee ahayd oona kana baxsan magaalada, according to my father. He used to say he could have afforded to buy ten boos, but kan shanta boos eh aan ku kornay aaba isbartiibo dhexdiis ahaa. Oh, those were the days!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Any one from Xamar weyne...Kawaanka ka soo horjeedkiisa.....Any one from madiino..especially from BUULO XUUBEEY...shaneemo DUCAALE...Any one From XAAWO TAAKO secondary school OR YAASIIN CUSMAAN secondary school OR SHEEKH XASAN BARSAME high school.........



waxaan halkaan ka baafinaayaa wiilal/qofyaal aan saaxiibo aheen...(far iyo faraanti)



2)SHARMAAKE..ina GAR DHEERE..(i don't know his dad's real name

3)XASAN IYO XUSEEN (twins) from yaasin cusmaan)




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MMA, i was saying, ma aqaan xaafada, bt i know the location. thnx for the clarity.


shoobaro maxaa rabtaa inaa naga dhaadhiciso, that u went to asiili. naga qalee duqa, i find it hard to imagine, adoo borso duudka ku wata iyo ubadi biyaha lagu shubayay

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Golden wlc walaashiis.


I didn't used to live that area, I don't even remember any other xaafad except mine.

Waxaan daganaan jiray Kaasa balbalaara, near Xarta timaha weynaad. Few blocks behind shalaamada.


In middle school, I went to both Sheikh Madar(got kicked out) than Kowda Maajo. Ooh how I've missed adaankii masaajidkii Sheikh Ali Suufi. :( Yaakaloo daganaa xaafadaa akhayaarta?

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:


He used to say he could have afforded to buy ten
, but kan shanta boos eh aan ku kornay aaba isbartiibo dhexdiis ahaa. Oh, those were the days!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: [/QB]

Small world! Cabdi-Wahaab maxaa isku tihiin? Is this big house you are referring to the one owned by Sheekh Mukhtaar the former speaker of the parliament in Abdirashid Administration?


I played baliil in that house with Abdiwahaab a former classmate in Xassan Cilmi Qarindi elementary school in Hawlwadaag (or Hawlwadaag dhexe)!



Xassan/Xuseen oo deganaa bangaariyada Kaase-ballbalaare mar kii danbena u guurey taleex masaajidka Abdirashiid agtiisa maa sheegeysaa? I know them!

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Qac Qaac   

Glassyeyegirl. i lived almost near those places. bashiir lugay bacaadkiisa was near u right. i used to compete in masjid shiikh cali suufi.

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thnxz, Juxa & GlassEye Abaayoyaal.


Ani i only know dadkii xaafadeena agtiisa dagnaa, & bakaaraha agtiisa iyo meelahaas,


MMA sorry bro , markaa topicaan furaayay ma ogeen in horay looga soo hadlay..


any 1 who knows schoolka maxamuud xarbi (imaam maalik) ama dugsiga Abu hureryra near bakaare?

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Golden Girl


Abaayo, I think most people in xamarjadiid can only recognize each other if they were in the same age or residing in close proximity. The time we lived in xamarjadiid was between 1983-87. From 1987 on we moved to Hurwaa, where my family are still residing.


In xamarjadiid, I remember several friends, among others, including Cumar Xiito who lived the house next to Baar Hilaac, Daa'uud Cabdullahi Xirsi and his father who used to chase us with his Mooto everyday. Also, Ducaale they owned Farmashiye Faanoole, next to ducaale was Yuuyuubis cidii dhuxusha gadi jirtay.


Wait a minute..... yeah, Xasan Shuluq iyo walaalihiis, they had Construction material store on the opposite of the so-called Dagmada Xamarjadiid. There was a famous guy by the name, Dhagaweyne, most of the youth used to meet under the shade of big tree, in front of his house. It was the first time I saw a girl called (Wiilo), who was an active soccer player.


I used to go Dugsiga Hoose/Dhexe ee Wabuu-Shabeele, and later on, I was transfered to Maxamuud Xarbi which was the next building.


I can't forget that period because my family suffered major loss of property and financial breakdown: the entire wealth of my father had gone with the fire that inflicted on Bacadle Market. And as a result of that, my father sold our house to gain little profit, so as to buy another house and sustain the family.

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posted by WARYAA DUDE


when you guys say Xamr jadiid, do you mean Xamar jajab. Cuz Xamar Jajab was an official degmo right?

no the two names are not the same, read what MMA wrote, though xamar jadiid is not official name, anyway u know da difference

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