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23 hours ago, gooni said:

Arinta gedo yaan dhagaystay dad badan oo siyaabo kala duwan uga hadlaya, waxaa ugu darnaa qaar badan oo ay professoro noogu sheegeen.

Jaamacadaha gaaladu markay shaqo siinayso qofka waraaqaha aqooneed wata, waxay u dooraan inuu wuxuu bartay ardayda i dhigo kaliya.

Hadii saxaafadda reer galbeedka u baahato inay wax ka waydiiso taariikhda afrika waan hubaa inaysan mar labaad wax waydiin doonin.

Cabdi ismaaciilidu soomaalidu waxay uga qancday waa professor, wax alle, wixii saxaafaddu waydiiso wuu ka jawaabayaa, marnaba oran maayo anigu kaluunka waxba kama aqaano iyo noocyadiisa.

xataa dariiqada loo hadlo ma yaqaano dhaqAn ahaan. 

Gedo waa "dal" gobol ma'ahan markii shisheeye soo faro geliyo.

Wax kasta farmaajo haka tanaasulo laakiin arrinta gedo waa xad dhuleed, lagumana wareejin karo axmad madoobe iyo deni oo dhiigga shacabka gedo daadiyay, iskuna diray dad faqiira oo walaalo ah ayagoo adeegsanay lacago shisheeye ugu talo galay dagaalka farmaajo.


ninka la hadla oo go'aan qaado dheh,  Ama waa guulaysan oo meel  fiican Somali ku ogaan, ama baddey kala cabbi! Geesinimo waa in yar Cagaha dhulka lagu dii haayo!!!, waa maxay ninkan heehaabaya, oo damiin khaayimin aan wax laga helin , dan Somaliyeed ogoleeyn wax ka sugi!

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3 hours ago, Tillamook said:

Garoowe  ii geeya!”.

I heard C/laahi Deni rejected " Garoowe I Geeya". He said he wasn't consulted.

Well, I think the time has come for Farmaajo to surrender the leadership and let others to decide and prepare the election. Indecision is the worst calamity that could happen for a leader.

Ninkaas wareeray ee meel uu dhaqaaqa garan la' ayey ku odhanayaan waa dictator. 

No Somali leader had ever gotten the kind of goodwill and support Farmaajo received without even lifting a finger. And where is the so called prime minister? Is he became a secretary of the president?

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42 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

I heard C/laahi Deni rejected " Garoowe I Geeya". He said he wasn't consulted.

Well, I think the time has come for Farmaajo to surrender the leadership and let others to decide and prepare the election. Indecision is the worst calamity that could happen for a leader.

Ninkaas wareeray ee meel uu dhaqaaqa garan la' ayey ku odhanayaan waa dictator. 

No Somali leader had ever gotten the kind of goodwill and support Farmaajo received without even lifting a finger. And where is the so called prime minister? Is he became a secretary of the president?

Bro this is part of the game, note Issimada Puntland invited him.

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4 hours ago, galbeedi said:

I heard C/laahi Deni rejected " Garoowe I Geeya". He said he wasn't consulted.

Well, I think the time has come for Farmaajo to surrender the leadership and let others to decide and prepare the election. Indecision is the worst calamity that could happen for a leader.

Ninkaas wareeray ee meel uu dhaqaaqa garan la' ayey ku odhanayaan waa dictator. 

No Somali leader had ever gotten the kind of goodwill and support Farmaajo received without even lifting a finger. And where is the so called prime minister? Is he became a secretary of the president?

Lol@ Galbeedi who says:

”Ninkaas wareeray ee meel uu dhaqaaqa garan la' ayey ku odhanayaan waa dictator. “

Galbeedi, Ma maantaad ogaatey bar caaqiiba ah inuusan laheyn odeygii Saaxiib kaa ahaa ee Farmaajo? 😁

In any case, Garoowe ii geeya  wuxuu Farmaajo u leeyahay waa un wakhti dhumis and I wouldn’t advise the Puntland government to oblige the hapless creature.

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19 hours ago, Saalax said:

Too many spoilers ku jira Somalia. 

Waa runtaa. Kuligooda waa kalkaaliye shisheeye dabadhilif u ah. Shilimaanta loo soo dhiibo u daran, so dal, cir, dhul, dad iyo badba wey wada gadanaayaan haddee awoodaan.

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14 hours ago, Tillamook said:

Galbeedi, Ma maantaad ogaatey bar caaqiiba ah inuusan laheyn odeygii Saaxiib kaa ahaa ee Farmaajo? 😁

I wanted him to  succeed for the  sake Somali people.

Waxa uu nagu siray aamusnaanta, oo waxaan islahaa wax weyn baa u qarsoon, hawshana hoos ayuu kai wadaa. 

I thought he has secret weapon some where to use when things get tough. Instead what you get is what you see. 

He is probably a good man who is not prepared for the throat cut Somali politics. 

THe prime minister he trusted for three years sold him for the last minute and challenged his seat, yet he couldn't even see that coming. The  current  prime minister from Galmudug couldn't even get the support of his base.

Unfortunately, I was one of those who was rooting a prime minister from Galmudug and bring these trouble makers to the ruling party and the government instead of being always in the opposition. 

Imagine if Farmaajo selected Cali Geedi. He would have been a heavy weight prime minister breathing in the necks of the likes of C/laahi Deni and company. A fragmented group like the Galmudug boys could never see the big picture. He got Qoor Qoor but the Mudug branch and the Dhuusamareeb anarchists can't get along.

The only loyal and hard working group the punched above their weight were the northern Somalis.

When you get a president that  couldn't make any tough decisions, coupled with a reclusive prime minister who no body knows, that is a recipe for disaster.

Waar weli miyaad aragteen nikan raiisul Wasaaraha oo ummadda inta uu hor yimid dadka la hadlaya. Dhawr bilood ka hor ayaan waxaan nin saaxiibkay ah oo reer Galmudug ah weydiiyey waxa uu ka yaqaano raiisuwasaaraha cusub. WAxa uu igu yidhi: " waa dadka hay'adaha iska dhex socda , waxna ma qaban karo"

Another strategy Somalis learned from Aabo Siyaad is they always choose the weak links. Ahmed Siilaanyo did in Somaliland and evetyone else from Djibouti to Somali Galbeed.


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6 hours ago, galbeedi said:

I wanted him to  succeed for the  sake Somali people.

Waxa uu nagu siray aamusnaanta, oo waxaan islahaa wax weyn baa u qarsoon, hawshana hoos ayuu kai wadaa. 

I thought he has secret weapon some where to use when things get tough. Instead what you get is what you see. 

He is probably a good man who is not prepared for the throat cut Somali politics. 

THe prime minister he trusted for three years sold him for the last minute and challenged his seat, yet he couldn't even see that coming. The  current  prime minister from Galmudug couldn't even get the support of his base.

Unfortunately, I was one of those who was rooting a prime minister from Galmudug and bring these trouble makers to the ruling party and the government instead of being always in the opposition. 

Imagine if Farmaajo selected Cali Geedi. He would have been a heavy weight prime minister breathing in the necks of the likes of C/laahi Deni and company. A fragmented group like the Galmudug boys could never see the big picture. He got Qoor Qoor but the Mudug branch and the Dhuusamareeb anarchists can't get along.

The only loyal and hard working group the punched above their weight were the northern Somalis.

When you get a president that  couldn't make any tough decisions, coupled with a reclusive prime minister who no body knows, that is a recipe for disaster.

Waar weli miyaad aragteen nikan raiisul Wasaaraha oo ummadda inta uu hor yimid dadka la hadlaya. Dhawr bilood ka hor ayaan waxaan nin saaxiibkay ah oo reer Galmudug ah weydiiyey waxa uu ka yaqaano raiisuwasaaraha cusub. WAxa uu igu yidhi: " waa dadka hay'adaha iska dhex socda , waxna ma qaban karo"

Another strategy Somalis learned from Aabo Siyaad is they always choose the weak links. Ahmed Siilaanyo did in Somaliland and evetyone else from Djibouti to Somali Galbeed.


Sxb galbeedi it took Farmaajo 3 months to look for a weak pm, so what you see is what you get, he got the weak PM he was looking for as farmaajo never wanted a strong PM to begin with.

So anyway let us not Farmaajo for the sake of the wadan/nation Somalia.

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3 hours ago, Dalmar1 said:

Sxb galbeedi it took Farmaajo 3 months to look for a weak pm, so what you see is what you get, he got the weak PM he was looking for as farmaajo never wanted a strong PM to begin with.

So anyway let us not Farmaajo for the sake of the wadan/nation Somalia.

Maryooleey qof af gaaban oo ixtiraan iyo xishmad badan ma jeclo. Mid afmiinshaar ah oo been badan ayee ixtiraamaan laakiin ma jeclo asagana. Mid macangag ah oo kaligiistaliye ahna ma rabaan.

Rooble xilkiisa ayaaba iska yar and so far he seems a decent man, but maryooleey do not deserve him, same way they did not deserve C/qaasin Salaad in 2000.

Here is Rooble's latest hadaljeedinta uu baarlamaanka ka jeediyey:


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On 10/02/2021 at 9:31 AM, maakhiri1 said:


ninka la hadla oo go'aan qaado dheh,  Ama waa guulaysan oo meel  fiican Somali ku ogaan, ama baddey kala cabbi! Geesinimo waa in yar Cagaha dhulka lagu dii haayo!!!, waa maxay ninkan heehaabaya, oo damiin khaayimin aan wax laga helin , dan Somaliyeed ogoleeyn wax ka sugi!

Puntland nin ay lageday waa nin naagu legeday farmaajo caaqibo ma leh saaxiib.

Puntland haday helaan hogaamiye daacada, isaga kaca lagama karo intaa ka badan ciidda haku camcaminine.

Hadii la helo halyay siyaad barre oo kale ah waxay u qaybsami lahaayeen wax la shaqeeya iyo wax carara.

Ninkaan waxaan laga qaniinay godkii uu khayre qoday aragtidayda.

khayre reer "mundul" buu gaadaashooda fariistay, ayadoo camera'du in yar wajigiisa ka qabanayso hadalna looma ogola tol waynaha dhexdiisa.

Arrinta la yaabka leh waxaa weeye shacbiyad badan yuu farmaajo leeyahay wali, cid la tartami kartaa ma muuqato doorasho dadban iyo mid toosa intaba.

Musharixiintii waxay noqdeen qabiilaystayaal is bahaystay.

Halka farmaajo qabiilkiisii aakhiro u dirayaan, waana arrinta mucjisada lagu arkay soomaaliya.

Waxay kaliya oo ay naawilayaan, in fowdo timaado odoyaashii xalkana ayagu noqdaan, si kale kuma wajihi karaan farmaajo, intaas iga qor.

Hadii usc sida yementu qabiilka u nacday ayaguna u nici lahaayeen wadanku waa noo hagaagi lahaa aragtidayda.

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2 hours ago, gooni said:

Puntland nin ay lageday waa nin naagu legeday farmaajo caaqibo ma leh saaxiib.

Puntland haday helaan hogaamiye daacada, isaga kaca lagama karo intaa ka badan ciidda haku camcaminine.

Hadii la helo halyay siyaad barre oo kale ah waxay u qaybsami lahaayeen wax la shaqeeya iyo wax carara.

Ninkaan waxaan laga qaniinay godkii uu khayre qoday aragtidayda.

khayre reer "mundul" buu gaadaashooda fariistay, ayadoo camera'du in yar wajigiisa ka qabanayso hadalna looma ogola tol waynaha dhexdiisa.

Arrinta la yaabka leh waxaa weeye shacbiyad badan yuu farmaajo leeyahay wali, cid la tartami kartaa ma muuqato doorasho dadban iyo mid toosa intaba.

Musharixiintii waxay noqdeen qabiilaystayaal is bahaystay.

Halka farmaajo qabiilkiisii aakhiro u dirayaan, waana arrinta mucjisada lagu arkay soomaaliya.

Waxay kaliya oo ay naawilayaan, in fowdo timaado odoyaashii xalkana ayagu noqdaan, si kale kuma wajihi karaan farmaajo, intaas iga qor.

Hadii usc sida yementu qabiilka u nacday ayaguna u nici lahaayeen wadanku waa noo hagaagi lahaa aragtidayda.

Waa sax mushkilada hada Soomalia haysata waa caqligii 30 sanno u danbeeyey. Aynu Wada cunno baa meesha ka maqan, ama win win situation 

Hadii fooxiso loo tegay  hadii shaxda si kasta loo dhigay , faalku waxa uu sheegay in Farmaajo soo noqonaayo, doorasho qof iyo cod ama mid dadban!!! Haybada EeBAA bixiya, ma jirto meesha aynu wada guulaysano , cad cunnay ama ciideeyey weeye xaalku! WAXA Somalia asagood ka reebayna waa caqligaas.

Sax, soft power, ama quwadda qarsoon ee shacabka aad bay Farmaajo uggu janjeedhaa.

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