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Debate or debating is a formal method of interactive and position representational argument. Rules governing debate allow groups and individuals to discuss and decide issues and differences. Debate is an aspect of argument which is distinct from logical argument, in that it encompasses aspects of human persuasion which appeal to emotional responses —often based on exaggerated or misrepresented statements or claims.


Debate is a common process in deliberative bodies such as parliaments, legislative assemblies, and meetings of all sorts. Outcomes of debates may be decided by voting, by judges, or by combination of both.


Formal debates between candidates for elected office such as what the leaders debates on preparing for elections or presenting their philosophies.


It has happened many times in Kenya and the USA during the presidential election debates


Debate are common where there are democracies.


Readers at SOL sometime find information that have not been judged or ain't suitable from the lead feeds thus debate to explain the matter.


So NEVER try to limit debates as is happening many times at SOL...


Mods and administrators know the repercussion.

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