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Che -Guevara

Memories from Home!!!

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Masha Allah,


I cant wait to have my country back. Pictures like these and optimistic folks like you Ismahaan help hope stay alive. Lets add action into it and lets see what happens. Its only a matter of time before we get back on track as a whole. LONG LIVE UNITY! LONG LIVE SOMALINIIMO! LONG LIVE SOMALIA!!!

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

I remember abu-ras bus whose buliyeeti we used to use as a movie ticket. My time in Xamar was the best time!

LOL, shineemadee gali jirtay bro? aniga Missione iyo Banadir with aabo occassionaly when I made good grades in school. Abaal marin aa la iiga dhigi jiray kobashino, sandwhich, iyo shineemo, and a little shopping once in a while. I then get introduced to his friends with aabo mentioning the grades and how bravo I was LOL.


It is a lost paradise never to return as it was.


PS: da'da aan kugu riixay pageka hore waa kaftan saxib, anaa kaa ween smile.gif

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^ iyaaa..saan maa keentay adne? Aabaheeyaa gacanta i qaban jiroo shaleemo i geen jirayaa..?? ma shiixeesid miyaa, macbuudkee ;) . Xoogsade markaa isku bixisay aan ka shakiyey, inaa Xooga Dalka ku jirte, kuwii hooob-jac dhihi jiray. :D


Islaan aan qaraabo nahaa hada ka hor i tiri: eedo meeshan wax kaa wayn maba joogo, dadkaaga dhinac ka raac adna, da'daada laq. LOL. War da dhafoorkey ku taashaaye ma anaa ka been sheegi karo.. :D .

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Saaxiib shineemo aanan gelin Xamar ma ku taalo aan u malaynaa. Just kidding. But i went most of the old movie thieatres in Xamar in my early years ( 4thG-6thG). Shineemo Nasri was my first, I dont even remember how old i was but i was very young. Then Misyoon, Xamar, Soomaali, and the one afar irdood ka danbeysay (i cant recal its name now ). Of course cinemadii Hodan (I heard that area is now called Permuda) ku tiil where they had a lot of what we used called Jabbaan movies was where i mostly went and #4 too.

then came 8th G and I begun to see less movies!


I tell you Illahay uun baa iga weyn adeer. I grew up aroung suuqii miijiskii in early Eighties. By the time Me iyo Che ay digfeer ku dhalanayyaan i was making money on my rigoore and tiris :D wins (if you know what that meant in Xamar)!


I dont even think Bishaaro inay gaartay cajjiin shiidid when i was in Bakaara market :D (the original one )!

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^^That itself is very immature adeerkiis! You don’t have to say ‘some people’ when you could say xiin :D !




L o Z, aniga igama yarid aan is leeyahy!

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Ms DD   

Alla miijiska is where I went to school. School hawlwadaag it was, befoe i was transfered. waayo waayo ayaad i xasuusisey xiinoow.

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Damn you guys and your shaleemoyin...We weren't allowed to go to shaleemo...Movie yaasha guriga naloogu keeni jiray...But I guess guys and girls were different when it comes to going to shaleemo back home...


Waligey hal rubaayad galay, let's just say bad memories lee ka heystaa that night... :mad:


Most of my memories from Xamar are happy ones...Gosh, I see some ciyaal Yaasiin Cismaan around here...Alla maxaa Saciido Koofi necbaa, mean skinny old lady...Allow kudaa dheh...Ar yaa macaliin Akiile xasuusto, Sceince uu dhigi jiray...He gave the word xaasid a whole new meaning...Tolow intuu ku dambeeyay...Kaaga daranteed, anagoo saas u neceb ugana baqno, hooyadeey guriga lee manoogu keyneysoo inuu wax nabaro...Aloow ale...


I remember going to Afgooye or baar Xaraf on Fridays, then going to xeebta AbeeyDhaxan later in the day, maalmuhu dheeraayeenaa...Mar mar markii loo dhuunto bada, alla maxey hooyadeen gacmeheena dhadhamisay... :D Maskaxdii la'isku dhihilahaa qubeystana majirinee, caku caruurnimo...


I remember, bus aan lahaan jirnay anoo hooyo tuugaayo to have the bus take us (me and classmates) for dalxiis...Ceeljaale iyo Marka aadi jirnay...Now that I think about it, I guess there was a lot of trust between children and their parents back home, cuz waagaas aan baska tuugooyo about 12 jiray...Gosh soooooooo long ago...


I remember going to tiyaatarka for kadis... :D I remember going to Sheikh Xassan Barsame, after school to show off...Xooga nasaarnaa Yaasiin Cismaan laga soo lugeynaa after school, istustus lee iga dheh...Maxaa gaari gacanle yaasha banaanka taagan deen nanac iyo xanjo ka qaatay...Jalaato tibtob yaa xasuusto? LOL...


War idaaya, waayo waayo aa igaliseenee...Good waayowaayo indeed...I can honestly say the first 13yrs of my life were the best years...Then in 1990 Canada naga soo tuureen, qaboow iyo baraf... redface.gif :mad:

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