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Che -Guevara

Memories from Home!!!

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Very nice pictures indeed!


Here are some:


The village of Oog (in Cayn in the Nugaal region then), this was taken back in the 1800s-1900s.



Oog in 2006:



Degmada Caynabo, Cayn:



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Waa mudantihiin Dhulqarnayn and Badda Cas.


There were lots of images on the first page of this

topic, where did they all go?




Seems my machine is on something here, I could swear alot of posts were missing. Anyways, thanks everyone and please contribute.

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Times flies wallahi, if you were like Me and Che in grade 5 in the year 1990, now you are in your late 20s, imagine xarfaantii dugsiga sare ka baxday oo daljirka dahsoon iyagoo shineemo misiyoone ama banadir u socdo soo agmari jire taalladaas? Xiinfaniin comes to mind LOL, they are like what? in their forties? My mind is slow, I can't calculate their age.


Me and Che, you boys are younger than I could have imagined. Odayaal aan idiin maleen jiray.

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Breathtaking, fascinating and speechless. I have never been to a single one of these places.


Corruption, corruption, and clan have destroyed completely our nation. Our country remains the most dangerous place in the world. The capital city is the worse place in term of peace, security, and stability. I think the time is right to stop fighting and killing each other. What we need is unity for the sake of our country and our people. The land is big enough to provide for all of us, so let's reason together and have some dignity.




Every nation has its own flag


Ours is as blue as the sky


On a cloudless day


Let us fall in love with its beauty


O white Star

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I've always dreamed of visiting Xamar, my older siblings always made me feel like I've missed out on something great. This topic reminds me of the poem...


Xayaabkii cir da'ayeey

Daruur shalka xayddaay

Xulad geenyo ugubeey

Darmaan xoosh u dhalataay

Xil-dhibaanka nabaddaay

Xajkii Geeska Bariyeey

Cadceeddoo xab-bururtaay

Marna xabag barsheeddii

Nafta xiisa gelisaay


Xudduntii dhulkaygaay

Xaruntii dadkaygaay

Xamareey ma nabad baa?


Xiddigtii bahdeediyo

Xubnaheeda kala maqan

U ahayd xusuustee

Sumaddooda xaynkiyo

Shanta gees u xidhataay.



Xudduntii dhulkaygaay

Xaruntii dadkaygaay

Xamareey ma nabad baa?


Laamaha xorriyaddiyo

Xayn-daabka calankee

Xejinaaya dhalashada

Xididkay ka beermaan

Xinjir laga waraabshaay.



Xudduntii dhulkaygaay

Xaruntii dadkaygaay

Xamareey ma nabad baa?


Carra-edeg xanteediyo

Xaska weli dhex-yaalliyo

Xaskulaha in laga guro

Danahooda xigashiyo

Xagal-daac in laga jiro

Tii loo xil-saaraay.


Xudduntii dhulkaygaay

Xaruntii dadkaygaay

Xamareey ma nabad baa?


Isticmaarku xeel iyo

Xanaf iyo wax-yeelliyo

Xanan iyo dhibaatiyo

Xadhko miidhan weeyoo

Sida geed xajiinluu

Xagxagtaa kor kaagee

Xadantada gumeystaha

Xaram lagaga maydhaay



Xudduntii dhulkaygaay

Xaruntii dadkaygaay

Xamareey ma nabad baa?


Danta inay xaraashaan

Dembi inay xambaartaan

Ama sharafka xooraan

Isticmaar la xididaan

Ama xeer la yeeshaan

Nimankii ka xila-furay,

Naftu waxay u xilataa

Dhegta xeerinteedee,

Nolol aan xarrago wadan

Nimankii xanuunkiyo

Xabsiyada ka door-biday

Gobannimo xaq weeyee

Inta geesi loo xidhay

Ama xawda laga jaray

Geerida xalaasha ah

Nimankii xantoobsaday

Halka lagu xormeeyaay



Xudduntii dhulkaygaay

Xaruntii dadkaygaay

Xamareey ma nabad baa?


Shinnida Xumbaaliyo

Sida xaydha-weyntii

Nimankay Xawaashiyo

Xaab-qaaddu keentee

Xagga sare ka soo degey

Dhulka xaabadii tiil

Nimankii xambaartee

Dhirta xaalufka u rogey

Dunidaan is-ximinnoo

Xasillooni loo yaal

Dadku kala xishoodaan

Nimankii xaduurkiyo

Xadaafiirta geliyee

Inta ay xifaaliyo

Xumo iyo colaad iyo

Xiisadaa ku kiciyeen

Xolad daba ku olosheen

Xadhkaheeda kala furay

Xidid iyo tol wada yaal

Nimankii hub xoogliyo

Xakamaha ku kala raray

Kala xaday walaalaha

Marwadii xanjeerrayd

Nimankii xabbaadhee

Xawawaray dhasheedii

Kuwa midabka ximiyee

Xaqlahana addoonsada

Xistigiyo gumeystaha

Birta looga xiiriyo

Halka lagu xabaalay



Xudduntii dhulkaygaay

Xaruntii dadkaygaay

Xamareey ma nabad baa?


Sida xuur wedkeedii

Xan ahaa ku maqashaan

Amba xiisahaagii

Xamarey la dhuubtoo

Xalay waxan baraarugey

Iyadoo xiddayseey

Inta xaysku kuu da'ay

Dhulku wada xareed iyo

Xamash iyo ugbaad iyo

Xilli yahay barwaaqoo

Dayaxaagu xaynkiyo

Xuubkii dillaacshoo

Inta uu xanjaadkiyo

Xagal qudha la soo baxay

Dusha sare xinnaystoo

Dhallinyaro xariiriyo

Halbo Xuural-caynii

Isasoo xusheenoo

Xeebtaada yaabka leh

Inta ay xaraaraha

Laba laba u xaadheen

Xusullada dhigteenoo

Xeerkii kal-gacalkiyo

Lagu jiro xisaaboo

Xantu hoos u socotoon

Aniguna Xayaad iyo

Xiddigtii jacaylkee

Shanta xaraf mid lagu daray


Kolba xaada cududdiyo

Xaradhkiyo garaaraha

Il-badhkeed ku xadayee


Xudduntii dhulkaygaay

Xaruntii dadkaygaay

Maxaad aniga oo xidhan [maqan]

Lahashada xanuunka leh

Ii xusuusinaysaa?


Allow sahal amuuraha!


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memories from home? hmmmm...riding in the back of a xaajiyo khamzeen - loose - was always great fun. Jig jig jig, the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair and the sun on my face, was priceless.

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Originally posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis:

ohhhh ismahan...Caloosha i xanuuntay--mar hore ayaa sabarnay............

Noo don,t sweetie ;)


Never give up hope! our country has been through very challenging times but I believe little by little we can and we must rebuild our confident and country. I believe that with the help of Allah, we will get together and rebuild our nation.

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I have been in puntland and Somaliland lately; the houses in mogadisho have a lot of Italian architectural influence while those in Somaliland and puntland regions have Middle Eastern and Indian influence.


Here are a variety of pictures taken in puntland region:



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