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Sayyid Qutb's chronicle city guide to Somalia

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Inshallaah I am hoping to compile a chronicle guide to the various cities of our homeland.


The reason being is that so many of us don't realise or know nothing about "our" cities, whilst they know places they've never been to like London, Los Angeles, New York or Hongkong.


They claim that they don't know much about Somali cities because they have never been there or that they were born outside Somalia but that doesn't give them any excuse not knowing the cities of their country of origin.


It is their homecountry and inshallah some day maybe they will go to one of the cities that I am compiling now and find the relevant information useful.


I will talk about many aspects like location, people, population, cities history, the origin of the name of the city and it's meaning etc.


On the other hand I'll also tackle some political aspects and historical facts that could be disputed but the aim is to present facts from varified sources.


On top of that I'll provide images and pictures (not to many) of the cities I am about to give a thorough guide to.


Stay with me!

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Thanks Mumia Abu Jamal! I am also looking forward to it.


I was actually 'thinking' of giving the 'natives' an opportunity to represent their cities because I believe that they're more 'emotionally' able to connect to this cities and represent them in the best way because it is afterall where their hearts at.


Can I 'ask' the administrators of this fora to widen/brighten up this project inshallah and award a 'price' of some sort to the best contributor to this 'project', maybe you can set up some sort of an account at Dalsan, Dahabshiil, Amal etc. whereby every single one of us pays a net amount of £1 roughly $2 in order to award to the best city 'guide'.


A price money/award of £7077 would be awarded to the best city 'guide', not bad especially 'considering' that the core of this fora is made up of broke 'students'.


However there is one requirement, which is that you've to visit the winning 'city', this summer!


A jury selected by Sayyid Qutb will anounce the winning 'city' inshallah after the completion of this project and subsequently 'award' the money of £7077 roughly $15000!


All entries are welcome 'except' for the 'entries' listed/descriped at the end of this post.


Initially the first 'city' guides will be made of the following cities: Baydhabo, Berbera, Beledweyne, Burco, Baardheere, Burtinle, Boorama, Bosaso, Buurhakabo, Badhan, Buran, Bacadweyn iyo Beled/buulo Xaawo!


The closing date for the entries of the above-mentioned cities will be on 19-02-06 at 00:00 GMT except for one entry, which wil be made an hour later at 01:00 am.


The winner will be announced at Monday 20th of February inshallah at 22:00 GMT.


I myself will enter the race for the big price/award and I guarantee you 'that' there will be no "conflict of interest" for that matter although I select the 'jury' and it's up to them to select the winning entry!


This would be a great PR and promotion for this 'SOl' because everyone would be talking about this for the coming weeks and month if not years and surely the 'winner' would be a loyal member of this fora for the rest of his life.


Disclaimer: This is an important message/notice for all those of you who want to make an 'entry' into this promotion activity, all entries are 'subject' to acceptance and must be pm to Sayyid Qutb before the 'deadline' expires. Crap entries will be made priority and 'if' you even got a 10% chance of winning the competion 'you will be refused' and your 'entry' will be made void and send straight to the rubbish bin. Remember 'you got an 50% chance of winning the big price/award/money and if you do not hurry up and pm your entry than this 'might' be a wonderful chance truely 'wasted'. Hurry and don't waste time.


P.s. BTW ignore the 'notice' in the small handwriting it's only serves for administrative purposes and nothing more to be worried about. I don't want this to be a 'scandal' or 'fraud' kind scenario that's why I will enter this 'promotion' with the intent of not 'winning' but making it more 'competitive' and 'if' I accidently 'win' it's a mere coincidence and it has nothing to do with me selecting/controlling the jury. This promotion is supported by 'Sol' in theory although in practise we expect them to aswell. You got a 'good' chance of winning so don't 'waste' it, hurry and pm your entry to Sayyid Qutb.


Yours sincerely As-Sayyid Qutb, the holiday/vacation this summer is sorted inshallah.


Imagine what you could do with all that money! $15000 is a lot to live up too.


I wish everyone the 'best' of luck, believe me you need it!

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