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Good news / Bad news....... for somalis in Minnesota

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Good news....


In February, a study by the state showed that self support increased in the Somali community from 30 percent in 2000 to 75 percent this year. The study hailed Somalis for moving off welfare faster than any other immigrant group.



Bad news.....


There are an estimated 40,000 Somali refugees in the United States. You can find most of them in Minneapolis, Minnesota ; Lexington, Kentucky ; and some cities in Maine. These people have endured great suffering in their country as a result of civil wars, lawlessness, famine, and disease. They are culturally Islamic, but many feel discouraged and empty spiritually. American church teams have been effective in helping these refugees by assisting them with housing, job searches, medical needs, emotional support, and education.


Pray that through Christian efforts these people will come to know Christ and accept His lordship in their lives. May those who respond to Christian witness give the good news of hope to Somalis in America and in Somalia.


Btw...use this knowledge to help your fellow brother/sisters inshallah rather than becoming hostile towards the non-muslims.

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