
Anti-election militia mobilise outside Somalia capital

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Anti-election militia mobilise outside Somalia capital

BBC Monitoring

The world through its media

Videos showing armed militia mobilising on the outskirts of Somalia's capital, Mogadishu have been shared online. 

The militia group has been reportedly mobilised to stop the holding of partial election.

Local media reported that commanders of the militia have threatened that they will act if the government begins the electoral process in Mogadishu without agreement.

These threats come after the federal government over the weekend said it will hold the disputed election without the participation of Jubbaland and Puntland states and other candidates. 

The decision led to concern about the existence of the system of governance in Somalia.

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Tuugii qalalaase ku noolka ahaa Mahad Salaad ayaa warkaan been abuurka ah bilaabay.

DF Soomaaliya oo war kasoo saartay ciidamada lagu soo bandhigay duleedka Muqdisho

Dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa markii ugu horreysay ka hadashay ciidamo abaabulan oo la sheegay inay ka hor tegayaan in doorasho aan loo dhameyn lagu qabto magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Soomaaliya.

Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada warfaafinta xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Yuusuf Al-Cadaala oo soo saaray war qoraal ah ayaa ka hadlay arrimaha ciidamadaas oo si aad ah muuqaalladooda lagu baahiyey baraha bulshada ee Internet-ka

Al-Cadaala ayaa ugu horreyn sheegay in ciidamadaasi aysan aheyn kuwo ka soo horjeeda doorashooyinka dalka, isaga oona been abuur ku tilmaamay arrintaasi.

Sidoo kale wuxuu intaasi ku sii daray in muuqaalka la soo bandhigay aan hadda la duubin, islamarkaana ciidamada ka soo muuqday aysan aheyn kuwo falaago ah.

“Muuqaalka maalmahaan la wareejinayay ee lagu sheegay Ciidamo kasoo horjeeda Doorashada waa been abuur aan Sal iyo raad lahayn. Muuqaalka la isticmaalay ma aha mid hadda laduubay Ciidamada ka muuqdana ma aha falaago” ayuu yiri Al-Cadaala.

Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda warfaafinta xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa sidoo kale ugu baaqay warbaahinta iyo dadka kale ee wax faafiya in ay ka fiirsadaan farriimaha ay la wadaagayaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan kuwooda been abuurka ah.

“Waxaan ugu naseexaynayaa Warbaahinta iyo Dadka wax faafiya in laga dhawrsado been abuurka nuucaan oo kale ah,” ayuu mar kale yiri wasiir ku xigeenku.

Ugu dambeyn wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqay in muuqaalka la baahiyey uu gaf weyn ku yahay ciidamada iyo shacabka, islamarkaana loo baahan yahay in aan la hurin colaad aan jirin.

“Waa ku gaf Qaranka, waa ku gaf Ciidamada, waana ku gaf Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Colaad hurintu ma aha dimuquraadiyad,” ayuu sii raaciyey.

Hadalkan ayaa ku soo aadaya, iyada oo saacadihii u dambeeyey muqaalka ciidamo abaabulan lagu baahiyey Internet-ka, kuwaas oo saraakiisha hoggaamineysa ay ku goodiyeen inay tallaabo qaadi doonaa haddii la qabto doorashooyin hal dhinac ah.


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If the election process in Somalia was clear to everyone, there would be no fertile ground for creating “been abuur” as you are claiming.

But fact remains election process is not clear, election date has not been set or clarified and many assume that it’s not a fair process either. Otherwise there would be no need to announce boycots by regions who have always so far enthusiastically participated in Somalia’s Political Election process. 

Could you react to that pls? And also pls explain to us why we are not seeing progression in terms of process clarity in 2021, compared to earlier processes. 

Shouldn’t one have learned, improved and showed progression from earlier times? What is the cause of this regression in political power play? Where is this heading to? 

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On 1/14/2021 at 12:59 PM, Kala Duwan Clan said:

And they said I was crazy when I pointed out 1m1v in Somalia would never happen. Let the Civil war 2.0 begin and then Somaliland can finally join the U.N.

Let's not forget that Almighty Allah is a witness to whatever we write and say. 

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