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Masaajidka Khaalid

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^^ people came to Mosque to fight each other,fighting over who should lead the mosque, subhanalah. what a sad story!typical somali story!

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they are fighting over who should lead the mosque, the imam, There was one respectable sheikh who used to lead the mosque, but some pple get rid off him, the rest waxaa inoo faah faahin doona MMA.


a week ago , I met one guy in Abu dhabi,from TOronto, and he was discussing this issue @ somali maqaaxi.

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Why so many people there?

Haye, you didn't read the first post, I see.


Masaajidka muran weyn soo socday ayaa ka taagan. It started with mabda' kala duwanaasho in late 2003, waana soo socotay illaa iyo maanta. Soomaalida being Soomaali, qabiil ayaa meesha lasoo giliye, oo loo fasirtay, oo dad ayaa aaminsan inay qabyaalad weyn soo dhexgishay, siiba kuwa kala taagersan wadaaddada isheysto.


Kuwa kalena dhanka dhaqaalaha ayee aaminsanyihiin in uu muranka awalba ka bilowday, oo wadaaddadii dhaqaalihii yarayd soo galeysay oo dadka Soomaaliyeed laga soo qaadi jiray isku qilaafay.


Three of the four founders of masaajidka since day one dhagaxiis la dhigay, which was late '99, waala 'fire' gareeye, two of them within the last month, including the very respected iimaamka masaajidka, Sheekh Bashiir Shiil, waana iimaamkii booliiska loogu yeeray.


The 'firing' of iimaamka was the last dulqaad Soomaali badan u hayeen dadka maamulo meesha, oo xaalada cirka u shareerisay.


Who is behind all of this? Waxaa la sheegay nin lagu magacaabo Aaden, oo magaaladdaan si fiican loogu yaqaano.


So he hosted a public meeting, open to all, which was the other day, Sunday evening [thus the habeenkii la buuxay meesha camirneed]. Waala isa soo wada xaadiriye, some with frustration ka batay, some angry, some u adkeysan waaye waxa meesha ka socdo, oo beydkii Eebbe noqotay golle siyaasadeed la isku mindi afeysanaayo.


So questions la wada furay. Ugly questions la isweydiiye, though only through written ones accepted. However, most questions were not answered properly or addressed adequately or those deemed improper, as alleged, were not put out -- thus boiling more frustration, which finally made some people inay iscelinwaayeen and istaageen, buuq iyo qeylo, especially mid shaqadiis kasoo tagay, saying, "Shaqo ayaan ugu soo tagay, meeshaana jawaab kuma heysiin ka ahayn waqtigeena inaad qasaarisiin..."


One "reporter" from the local community Soomaali radio station also came, trying to record the session, who was abruptly told to shut it and leave or else ... Another guy tried to record on his cellphone, same warning was given, all this in buuq iyo qeylo socoto, meeshiiba masaajid uma eka.


Now masaajidka qarka ayuu u saaranyahay in uu saas ku burburo haddii si weyn loogu badalin waxa socdo. The vast majority Soomaalida dhaqaalaha ku bixin jiray waa goosteen. So no dhaqaalo, no services; no services, no masaajid. Simple.


Dad ayaa rabo ninkaas Aaden la leeyahay and others in the board that are loyal to him inay iscasilaan maadaama iyaga daradooda dad badan ugu tageen meesha, because xataa heer waxee gaartay laba saf lagu kala tukado, kuwa dhahayn lama tukaneyno ninkaas oo iimaam ma inoo noqon karo, saf kale furteen isla majaajidka dhexdiisa. Marka maanta heerkaas ayaa la marayaa. Xaalka faraha iyo luggaha ka baxay.


War badan ayaa la isla dhexmarayaa magaaladda, so you never know which is true or which is a hearsay, laakiin xaalka aad ayuu u xunyahay, ceebta Soomaalidana banaanka usoo baxday, oo hal masaajid ku heshiin waaye, kuwii wadaaddada sheeganaayina saas u dhaqmaayo.


Eebboow ceebteena astur.

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Show xaaladu meelxun bey mareysaa!


because xataa heer waxee gaartay laba saf lagu kala tukado, kuwa dhahayn lama tukaneyno ninkaas oo iimaam ma inoo noqon karo, saf kale furteen isla majaajidka dhexdiisa. Marka maanta heerkaas ayaa la marayaa. Xaalka faraha iyo luggaha ka baxay.



How many mosques (Somali run) in Toronto?

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Ms DD   

That is really shameful. I would suggest that those God-fearing people should pray nearby masjids and leave kuwa rabshada wada.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

Show xaaladu meelxun bey mareysaa!



because xataa heer waxee gaartay laba saf lagu kala tukado, kuwa dhahayn lama tukaneyno ninkaas oo iimaam ma inoo noqon karo, saf kale furteen isla majaajidka dhexdiisa. Marka maanta heerkaas ayaa la marayaa. Xaalka faraha iyo luggaha ka baxay.



How many mosques (Somali run) in Toronto?
MMA, two jamaacas at the same time yacni?

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I think this conflict needs a little update by now.


By early spring and summer of this year, two mediators tried to mediate, unsucessfully. Both community reconcialiations failed because each vying group -- and each claims to be the genuine, legitimate Board -- did not have a confidence with the mediators themselves one time or another.


So, shamefully, the case went before a civil court and non-Muslim judge. The judge gave the competing respective "Board" groups a few months to resolve their internal disputes. The deadline was September 30, of last month. Unfortunately, it is now officially before the courts and both vying groups have a high-profile lawyers representing them.


I had read the judge's passionate letter, appealing to solve their differences in the name of Somali community in July. Walaahi, you would feel yourself ashamed, even non-Soomaali appealing passionately.


Anyway, more sad news. Just yesterday, the news became a national, when the anti-Islam paper, National Post broke it publically. The paper's news report is following.





Rival boards vie for control of mosque


Stewart Bell

October 03, 2007


TORONTO - A prominent Toronto mosque is caught in the middle of a legal tug-of-war that has seen two senior clerics fired and accused of being sought by Canadian security agencies.


The dispute began when two groups both claimed to be the legitimate board of directors of the Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque, which mainly serves the city's large Somali-Canadian community.


A civil suit filed this summer in the Superior Court of Justice, and mediation by a Minnesota cleric, have failed to resolve the matter, although the mosque remains open.


"It is not worked out, it has only really begun," said Brian Shiller, a lawyer representing one of the factions. "We're not sure what the process is going to be. It's very unfortunate."


He said there was nothing to the allegations the sheikhs were sought by security officials.


"The best of my information on everything I have seen in this case, there are no issues that involve CSIS or any questions of terrorists or anything along those lines."


According to hundreds of pages of documents filed in court as part of the dispute, the troubles started last October when the board of directors started planning a $9-million Islamic centre.


Fundraising began but there was disagreement over the project and in January, the mosque's long-time imam, Sheikh Bashir Yusuf, and its administrator, Sheikh Abukar Hussein Mohamed, were fired.


"You have publicly rejected the project. You have disregarded the decision of the board and the policy of the organization," said the termination letter sent to Sheikh Bashir. He was warned he faced a $2,000 trespassing fine if he set foot in the mosque.


The termination letter sent to Mr. Abukar accused him of collecting his full salary while spending the previous five months in Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Mogadishu, Somalia.


"These clandestine trips and expenses were not approved


by the board nor did the board of directors were even aware of it [sic]," says the letter, which has since made its way on to an Internet blog.


The mosque is run by the Somali Islamic Society of Canada (SISCA), a federally registered charity. A month after the firings, board members met again to discuss re-hiring the sheikhs, according to the documents. The minutes of the Feb. 17 meeting list the reasons they should not be rehired, including that:


"These two sheikhs are sought by the security agencies of Canada and that could have a negative reflection to the Khalid mosque and its community if they come back as director and imam."


The Canadian Security Intelligence Service will not comment on its targets but the agency has been probing the involvement of Somali-Canadians in an armed extremist group called the Islamic Courts Union.


According to a classified intelligence report, a handful of "Somali-Canadian Islamic militants" have travelled to Somalia to join the fight. Canada is home to one of the world's largest Somali communities and while most are moderates, a small number of extremists support the Islamic Courts and its affiliate al-Ittihad al-Islami, which has been outlawed under Canada's anti-terrorism law.


Brian Shell, the lawyer who represents the board members who fired the sheikhs, said he did not know the details of the allegations that the pair were sought by security authorities.


"These people, all of these people in this community and in the leadership, travel a lot. And they go back and forth to Canada and various countries including in the Middle East," he said.


"And I think that when that happens our security people have an interest in the people who travel to Middle East and to Canada and who are involved in some communities.


"I don't know with certainty that it's CSIS," he added, "but it makes sense to me that it's CSIS or the RCMP. I don't know which it is, but I think that obviously the leadership of SISCA, of the community, were questioned about these two people and there was a concern that that would have a negative reflection on the mosque and maybe ? it would be better if they not come back."


After the sheikhs were fired, some of the mosque membership met and elected a new board of directors. The existing board refused to recognize the vote, setting up a standoff that continues to this day and has since ended up in court.


"So far it's not resolved," Mr. Shell said.

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The prophet(SCW), emphasised about Islaax data bayn - or making peace between peoples, lack of it he called it - Alxaaliqah or the razor,literary a mighty blade - it deosn't shave the hair as he said, but it shaves the deen, means erdicates, and all this is happening and in Ramadan.


How long the somalis were muslims? 600 years, 1000 years, or in between and we failed to understand the difference between hypocrisy and reality.

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Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Is so nice praying at that mosque.. I went to that mosque few times in my days when I was in Toronto and meesha dhan waa sheeko iyo buuq..salaada tukashadeeda dadka badanaa meesha imaado waxee ka tahay dhaqan lol...


Waxa la isku heysto waa so small and is personal things between two or three people oo madax adag lol with too much Aniga masaajidkaas dhan waan jijibin lahaa maxaa yeelay waxaa laga dhigtay meel sheeko iyo musuq maasuq iyo xumaan..

If something is creating hate and anger amongs muslims, then that thing should be removed.. And this mosque waxaa fiican in la xiro oo la dudumsho asaga dhan.... My two cents...


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Horta, I don't even know what goes on in that masajid wallahi. I just hit the IMO when I'm bout to pray for Jumcaa, Tahhajud, Tarawiix or Eid prayers. Seriously, they need to sort out their problems. It's so embarassing to hear about. :rolleyes:

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Embarassment is underestimating the sheer ignorance and arrogancy,even agreeing on the house of God becomes a political matter,am sure its also to do with Qabiil,Somalis forget that the bloody Qabiil was just so we recognise each other,it wasnt meant to be a form of worship! Subhanallah!


A cousin of mine just recently came back from Somalia,wuxuu kuleyaa in the midst of prayer ayaa laa isuu soon as the imaam says Asalaam aleykum..horee aa banaakaa laisuu bahayaa..I dont get it,wallahi maxaa dadkii kudacee or where they always like this?

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Wallahi that is horrible. Here in TO, some Somalis won't go to a particular mosque because it 'belongs' (subhanallah; for lack of better word) to a certain qabiil. Basically, the head of the mosque is from a qabiil that they do not like. Astaghfurallah, when will people get passed this? Seriously, they need to sort out their differences. The Ummah consists of different creeds, colours, tribes, races etc and yet we divide ourselves so much. May Allah quell this disgusting mindset that is in within some of us, ameen. :(

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