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Starbucks is GAY?

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Originally posted by Johnny B:


2:that homosexuality is a sexual orientation -- something that one is. It is an unchosen orientation which is normal and natural for a minority of adults, fixed, accepted by God, neither a mental disorder or an addiction. It is caused by a genetic predisposition towards homosexuality which it triggered in young children by some unknown element in the environment.


Now considering myself a normal hetrosexual male the latter of the ideas speaks my language.



I can't believe you would even entertain the notion that homosexuality is accepted by Allah SWT.


You guys gotta understand that homosexuality is wrong and XARAAM ,and that condoning it or acting like it's not a big deal or that it won't hurt the rest of us is how it spread in the first place.Besides,you say it's OK now,but what if it was one of your family members that was a fag,you'd probably be singing a different tune.Don't act like there's no somali fags,I've seen one.

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Just because an effing coffee cup has a qoute from a gay man who is reflecting on his life... Lets just go crazy about this

this is what we'll do about it turn hell and high water and and have a homo hunt....

well lets see what else can we add to the list of homos

there are gay penguins, chimps exhibit homosexual behaviour

and my neighbor had a gay dog and I use to have cannaries that wre gay.


Now lets see if there is homosexuality in the animals world .... well then what is a human?......hmmm an animal.... what separtes humanity from animals....when a human being is stripped of civilization and social construct and just goes to their core... well I present the human animal

we have animal instincts...drives that drive out all rationals and logic and its more primal instincts and feelings than thought.

Thus if human beings are animals with the animal behaviour every once in awhile you will find straight humans and gay humans just like animals.... and then theres bisexual, transgendered, transsexual, two spirtied. and questioning.


The thing about human sexuality is its beyond oh this is gay and this is straight there are many shades of grey there .... of what if you feel like a man on the inside and you can feel your testosterone levels are high but your a female on the outside or

what if its vice versa. Or what if you have more estorgen in your body and you feel more of what's supposed to be feminine but your a man...


what if your a female and you have sex with men exclusively that means your straight right?

... but what if you pretend they are women...or what if you have sex with women exclusively that means your a lesbian am I right?...but what if you stay celibate and don't have sex with anyone for 10 years what sexual orientation does that make you over the span of that time?


What I'm trying to say is I think human sexuality is infinite.

And whoever someone wants to be with is up to them... so let people be... there is only one lifetime anyways and instead of caring what other people do and judging them for it.... live your own lives and worry about what's in your immediate path.


And besides starbucks is evil anyways... hello backwards its skubrats eeffoc <------- now why would I want to go to place that spells skubrats backwards.... I prfr java house on Queen and Augusta

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Whether it is an excess or a natural compulsion, I will not pass judgement on anyone engaging in it for that is not my place

Castro, The shall-not-judge schtick doesn't befit you. It's lazy and a big no no for a nomad your age. You say it's natural. And ?? What ?? Are you cool with it ? Would you mind if your son joined you next time you hit the local annual gay pride parade (Why a straight Muslim family man would even consider going is beyond me.) At the risk of sounding Ngonge-ishy, I must ask you to get off the fence.. and umm yeah OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE OBTUSE ( more) OBTUSE . :D


Kashafa, I stated an opinion which is based on some research, not a lot but enough to steer me in that direction. I'm of the school of thought that environment and anatomy, among other factors, cause homosexuality.

I can use that same 'research' to prove the case that bestiality, pedophelia, and any deviant practice practiced by man is completly natural, triggered by genes and enviroment. ( See, It's not his fault. He has a innate attraction to squirrels (stop snickering !), he was around squirrels his entire life and MRI tests show increased activity in his brain when he spots a squirrel. Plus we have isolated gene XYZ responsible for human-squirrel umm er interactions.


See how ridiculous the above is getting ! I can get ludicrious with it. Just give me the holy ammunition of science and I'll turn Rosie O'Donnell into Halle Bery. Drop the scientific explanation angle(it's anything but), and tell us why oh why ? Is it a liberal thing ? *Ohhhh poor things have been persucuted throughout the history. Equality for all. Yadda Yaa Yaa* Is it the assimilation complex ? Last time I checked, Texas was solidly anti-fag, the reddest of the red states. What gives, Comrade ? Trying not to put words in ur mouth so help me out will ya


For all the budding queer-appeasers( lookin at you, Kreepy (Ismun 3ala Musamaa ;) ) and obtuse fence-sitters, I present this true story:


A Somali young man from the rural area comes to visit the city for the first time. He's out there chilling with relatives when somebody brings up the queers. Our hero has no clue as to what they're talking about, so in blunt rural fashion, he asks. And they spell it out in no uncertain terms. To say he was shocked is an shocking understatement. "A man mounting another man ?" he cries out " There's no good in life if this evil exists".. And with that, he proceeds to take out his dagger and stabs himself till he dies.


I tell this story to all my friends. That's how we Somalis do :cool: Taking "death before dishonour" to the next level.


Let's analyse that for a sec: Check out the pure 'fitrah'. First off, it didn't even occur to him that such perverse depravation even existed. The man lived his entire life through and thorugh without even contemplating that disease. Yes, he took his own life, but he simply could not stomach that sickining reality. And yes, suicide is wrong, but can you question his intention and attitude ? Mucho Respekto, Akh-man


Of course, our resident Islam-needs-to-be-reformed flag-bearer would brush him off as a "overzealous, easily excitable, beard-strokin', finger-snappin', Wahhabi Pseudo-Mullah Salafist". It doesn't matter that it's his first visit to the city. See, he's a Wahhabi, genetically (Castro, please provide the 'research'). To borrow a earlier line, these pseudo-secularists crack me up :D


I rest my case. Lord have mercy on our confused and give guidance to our degenerate. They need it.

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I'll turn Rosie O'Donnell into Halle Bery

Mannn,Quit Playin' Mayn!.


You can do that fo real tho'? smile.gif


mhmm...Halle Berry & Rosie O'Berry,i mean o'donnell smile.gif



Seriously,K'Shafa; You are preaching to a LOG,literally ;)

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Anecdot cajiib ah! :D Sxbkeen NGONGE waxaan kafahmey jawaabtiisu inuu sheekadan Karma ka soo horjeedo Muslinka iney isticmaalan.



I might be getting old or just wrong but I really can’t see how Karma fits in into the beliefs of these Mullahs.


I saw Kashafa's remark about Karma to be just but morbid humour, not a religious decree. I'm surprised that [you] a man of superior comprehension and wisdom failed to see this [as it was] but instead deplorably used it as an opportunity to take a predictable (see xiin's anecdot) swipe at "Mullahs".




Whether it is an excess or a natural compulsion, I will not pass judgement on anyone engaging in it for that is not my place. You have passed enough judgment for the both of us. Why is my concurrence important to you?


It is not about judgement but about amr bil ma'roof wa nahi anil munkar .

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^^ :D @Viking.

Lets conclude with the lamenting words of Abu Tamam.

لقد جربت هذا الدهر حتى

Ø£Ùاذتني التجارب والعناء


إذامارئس أهل بيت ولي

بدا لهم من الناس الجÙاء


وما من شدة إلا ولها

من بعد شدةها الرخاء


يعيش المرء ما إستحي بخير

ويبقي العود مابقي اللحاء


Ùلا وألله ما ÙÙŠ العيش خير

ولا ألدنيا إذا ذهب الحياء

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

Castro, The shall-not-judge schtick doesn't befit you. It's lazy and a big no no for a nomad your age. You say it's natural. And ?? What ?? Are you cool with it ? Would you mind if your son joined you next time you hit the local annual gay pride parade

If it pains you to hear it, I will say it again, Just for you. :D I don't know for sure if it's natural or not, but it's highly likely that it is. In that sense, I don't see it as sinful. But even if I did see it as sinful, it's someone else's munkar and let them answer for it in some other place at some other time. If it were a sin, it would occur between two consenting adults (like prostitution, for example) and would only do localized harm. It's funny that male homosexuality is an abomination while female homosexuality is, well, curiosity. Does this have anything to do with the so called manliness of man?


Furthermore, assimilation has nothing to do with this for I have the same arguments I'm having with you that I do with the reddest of rednecks. It is easier, as you well know good Kashafa, swimming with the tide than against it.


(Why a straight Muslim family man would even
going is beyond me.)

A lot of things are beyond you, dude. Not the least of which is this.

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Viking, to engage you would be a waste of my time and yours. I’ve been generous enough to explain things once already on this topic and I’d be a half-wit if I allowed you to drag me into a pointless discussion about what is very obvious to anyone with the ability to read basic English. I repeat my advice about working on your reading.



Kashafa would not know morbid humour if it laughed loudly in his face, saaxib. The boy is 100% earnest when he pens those thoughts (I’m telling you this because this is more to do with observation than reading. Work on that area too, saaxib).

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C'mon sxb, if you can manage cirka 30 pages of mundane daily occurrences, you surely can feather a moment to enlighten a brother can't you? :D

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Castro ,


Allow me to explain my incessant questioning of your stance on the fruitcakes. See, you are a rare breed of a Somali. You see nothing wrong with that lifestyle. You openly condone it. The first I've ever seen. I wasn't looking forward to a debate as much as to understand how you reached your conclusion. I'm sure you didn't bring it with you from Somalia on that long boat ride(Dallo Flight 343, if you will). Sodomy is a criminal offense in Cuba, so that rules out Communism. Redneck Tay-xas ? Nope. From whence then, this approval of a foulest of most foul practice ?


By poking fun at your 'research', I thought you'd present it and back it up. Sad to say that you haven't addressed the points raised and stuck to your talking points( Who-am-I-to-judge-consenting-adults etc)


No worries, As long as it's your opinion bereft of factual evidence-there's no accounting for tastes. Even though you're a Cuban-puffin', J.D-swiggin', fruitcake-toleratin' Somali, you one cool old head. :D


Abti Ngonge ,


Thought you'd figure out a 'sarbeeb' when you see one. But to spell it out: No I don't believe in the concept of Karma. I was using it metaphorically to knock some sense into Castro

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

If you stay focused and don’t get distracted by his unbelievable and genius-like logic, you will remember that his opposition to homosexuality is religiously based (as evidenced by his continued use of the phrase qoom luut). Religiously based!


These Pseudo-mullahs crack me up. They’ll use anything and everything to further their own agenda.

Son. Decide what game you're going to play. Are you going to be a fake Mullah or are you going to play the Viking game of 'cause and effect and everything being relative'?


It’s either you have absolute convictions and play the narrow-minded game that you play so well or you loosen up and play Castro at his game. Mix and match is no good, my dear teenager.



That's the best thread to help you get rid of your gremlins, saaxib. Give it a try.

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Lo and behold! It is always your way or the hi-way! Why would it be a waste of time to break down the cud every now and then?



It wasn't a swipe at his thread walaal but at his efforts to break things down a tad for the comprehension impaired lad. It isn't too much to ask is it?

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