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Caano Geel

Winners Of The World Beard Moustache Championships 2007

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After rigorous trials the results of this years tough champions are out.


My particular favourites include


Willi "wtf is that on your chin" Chevalier of Germany.



Richard "name that prophet" Newman of the Uk



and Alexander "D'Artagnan" Antebi of the USA



and last but not least, well done to all the athletes, a jolly good show

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^^ lool. Koleey nimankaan waxay leeyihiin naago u subka, dhiqlaha ka gura, u shanleeya (u fira) oo hadba dhinac u xirxira shaaribahaas. So waxaa la dhihi kara naago ku raaxerysta aa jira.

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Ha ha ha LLPP and CG It's not so much the beards but the moustaches, they should be banned globally. Still it takes a brave woman to walk down the street with those things .

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Originally posted by Caano Geel:

[QB] Richard "name that prophet" Newman of the Uk



Weger! He's even got the 'prophetic stick' :D .

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Lilly, surely your not ignorant of movember - a month of moustaches and charity.

In the name of charity and celebration of manly hair, our department is planning a moustache troupe, so in return for sponsorship, I might be convinced to stay off the streets for you ;)

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If there was no photgraphic evidence of the year 2006, I would have said you constructed the website form thin air. I'll need before and after pics before I part with my money :D .


This looks like an Aussie thing, maybe we can get Legend to grow a moustache/beard too and clip it on the sides like the guy he posted.

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Lily, photographs will be provided to sponsors ;) - and didnt you know, legend waa odey. He already nurtures a mature caterpillar on his top lip.


Ms DoubleD, I think your on to something there, we should get moving quickly to commercialise it - could be a new web-project for a newly unshackled lady ;)


... but i have to say, the chest hair thing wont be giving your faarax brothers a fair chance, after all, we're not known for our chest carpets :(

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Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

^^^ what would you say about this fella --- >

^^ Top Notch eh?


I'd ask how many chinchillas he kept in that bush

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Originally posted by Caano Geel:

and Alexander "D'Artagnan" Antebi of the USA


Quite dashing, I must say. I do like a bit of hair on a man. :cool:


CG - Is this where you've been getting your inspiration? *smirk*

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