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Ethiopian Economy Cash Cows: Airlines to Tap Into Arab World!

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In addition to a deliberately discouraged private sector as to control discontent, historical famines as well as other humanitarian crisis were always canningly exploited by the Abyssinian ruling class.


Somalis, discriminated more than others, are not even officially registered as food aid recipient while the military atrocities rampage goes on unabatted in its vast Somali region, west of the temporary demarcation line with Somalia.


Occupied itself, Somalia is now facing the World worst humanitarian crisis after the law, order and social services of the Islamic Courts Union were toppled by Warlords "taxing" prohibitively food aid at their numerous checkpoints, through a concerted Ethiopian invasion, US bombings and CIA funding.


Yet, the current Tigrayan minority which has sucessfully screwed out the vast majority from both private business opportunities as well as public offices continue to milk out its corporate cash cows.


Ethiopian airlines, for instance, is managed by the TPLF (Tigray People's Liberation Front) number 2 and Ministry of Foreign Affair, Seyoum Mesfin.


The latter, Meles closest ally, is also in charge of monitoring as well as regulating the TFG, and is remembered for his incessant trips to Baidoa to "reconciliate" the trio Gedi-Sharif-Yusuf or to the Ethiopian "Embassy" inside Villa Somalia, the "presidential" office!).


Will Arab potential customers be seduced by Meles Zenawi attempt to garner more funds for his Genocidal Crusading Alliance with US neo-evangelists that led him to hail Iraq invasion as a "warning" for Arab terrorist states?



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Ethiopian to Strengthen its Presence in the Middle East



Ethiopian Airlines, the fastest growing African carrier, has announced its plan to launch flight services to Kuwait and Riyadh starting June 2, 2008. The flights will operate Addis Ababa-Riyadh-Kuwait-Addis Ababa twice weekly on Mondays and Thursdays with the return flights on Tuesdays and Fridays. As a direct route to Riyadh and Kuwait from the Sub Sahara Africa, this new service provides convenient connections for passengers originating from various points in Africa. Passengers will save trip time from points of origin to destination as well as transit time at the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport.


Currently Ethiopian operates 35 flights weekly to six destinations in the Middle East; namely - Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Beirut, Dubai, Jeddah and Sana'a. The introduction of two additional weekly flights to Riyadh and Kuwait will further strengthen Ethiopian's foot prints in the Middle East.


Busera Awel, Ethiopian Vice President Commercial said, "We are pleased that our enhanced presence will provide travelers, particularly those in the Sub- Sahara Africa, with more convenient access to the Middle East, and we are also confident that the new link will stimulate increased exchange of commerce and tourism traffic between the Middle East and the African continent."


Riyadh and Kuwait are among the fastest growing cities in the Middle East. Riyadh is the largest city and capital of Saudi Arabia located in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula, while Kuwait, the capital of the State of Kuwait, is situated on the coastal region of the Persian Gulf.


About Ethiopian







PS: campaigners are strongly encouraged to use freely this article, too, in Blogs, Medias etc to educate and raise awareness about such tragedy.

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^What about Djibouti. Isn't this tiny state the cat's paw of US, France and Ethiopia, all having sound military and financial footing in there.


Djibouti has become to resemble the old Zayla when it was used as the main source of Abyssinia's import of huge quantities of arms. Somalis were banned of receiving firearms to protect themselves.


Despite all of this, Djibouti remains a very poor country that is dependent on foreign powers at the expense of its sister country. It is also considered one of the countries with shocking human rights record.



JB, Djibouti aids the sustainability of our weak position in the region. For instance, it is well known fact that its current president who was born in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, have contributed to the destabilization Somalia's stable pockets.



Subsequent to its formation, areas of relative stability and self-governing regions became victims of a destabilization campaign waged by the TNG. Guelleh and the Islamist dominated TNG coalesced for the purpose of implementing a coordinated strategy aimed at undermining the prevailing relative stability and functioning governance in Puntland and Somaliland entities. Through concerted persuasive engagements and pressure tactics, the shared strategy was to force these entities to join the TNG, or to effectively destabilize and make them crumble from within.



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