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Dedicated to the Arab nomads,,,

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Taken at the Sharjah Cultural Festival a few months.



Wonder if any of our nomads did this in their younger years?


ps I no longer consider myself an Arab Nomad :D

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^^ This stuff is fairly new. Though its traditional, it was not something that many people did ten years ago. But, for some strange reason, recently, many of the old traditional dances seem to have come back and are being embraced by all and sundry!


There is a subtext to this recent enthusiasm and outbreak of nationalism. You see, the UAE comprises two distinct groups, Arabs and Ajams! The Arabs are the Bedouin nomads that belong to all the prominent clans in the country and, despite recent urbanization, still hark back to the desert areas they came from. The Ajams are those that originally hail from Iran but have either lived in these parts all their lives or are fairly recent arrivals (last hundred years).


Now the Arabs, to distinguish themselves from the Ajams, and display their pride in their own Bedouin heritage, have recently started reviving and showcasing all the traditional nomad customs. In fact, they're not that much different to Somali nomads. They recite poetry in the same singing lilt and those listening to the poet as he sings out his words would make similar approving noises and gestures! They also swear by their Camel Milk (and might actually challenge our supposed exclusive ownership of it there)! They fight over grazing rights, walk long distances from one water source to another and carry old style shotguns and knives.


The Ajams, on their part, did not distance themselves from these Arab practices and, surprisingly enough, started to enthusiastically welcome them. They view it as a nationalistic act that shows them to be no less patriotic than the Arabs in a country in which both groups are citizens.


Many of the dances you see originate from Oman, Saudi Arabia and Africa (mostly Tanzania).



Yes. In a previous life, I did partake in many of these dances and acts. Some Bedouin once offered to train me as a camel racer! I could have had class. I could have been a contender. I could have been the Frankie Dettori of the Arab world. :D


More info about the dances of the place you live in could be found here:


Dance names


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Thanks for that akhi. Yes the Arab Sheikhs have been very encouraging of the traditional dances to be a part of culture and thus young people's lives. So much so that we have Pop Idol like competitions with sheikhs regularly attending.


The dances get slightly boring though. I mean, when compared with the famous 'ciyaar Somaali'. Now that would be a good TV show - 'Ciyaar Soomali Show'.


You should think yourself lucky you turned down that Camel Jockey offer. They have been recently scathed by the UN for treatment of young camel jockeys. They now use robots :rolleyes:


ps what the UAE song? The one in the first vid? Any lyrics?

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Why do their men dance like women, like shaking their **** constantly? Their Sharax music is cool but these men killed it when they dance to it. blukah!

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I'm the Somali version of Badouin and in my younger days I used to be good at Saar & Dhaanto but these days I can't even move let alone dance!



Peace, Love & Unity.

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A lil child saw this Arab dude singing with his khamees and she shouted ALLA WAA WADAAD HEESAYA :D



Now, Arab men shouldn't dance at all ,,, let the women do the damn thing .....

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

A lil child saw this Arab dude singing with his khamees and she shouted ALLA WAA WADAAD HEESAYA

loool @ ALLA WAA WADAAD HEESAYA. War anigaa sidaa ahaa haata ka horow! :D

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