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Cario/Al-Qaahera, Egypt anyone.....

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has any nomad lived in Cario, Egypt/Masir.

what is it like there

where do the somalis live

what are some popular places there

to eat?to go out?

any famous singers there?

famous current ulema?


Fi Amanallah

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Sorry didn't come online for a while and i just saw your topic... i am not sure i am quite the person to ask hence i left Cairo 1995 after 15 yrs.. But let me try my best..


what is it like there?

Weather is GREAT, people are HILARIOUS, no racism no qabiil no gaaalo but its not the cheapest among the Arab countries you will have to withdraw a little more then you planned.


where do the Somalis live?

Well this is easy Somalis live at the same areas

[Muhandisiin] , [Miser El Jidiida] <-grew up there-<, [Duqi].

what are some popular places there

well best time to visit Cairo is at Ramadan Period go the Hussein Mosque @ Khan El khaliili plus you could get to have tea @ the famous coffee shop (El Fishaawy) were all the intellectual, poets and politicians used to meet

Eating Come on now you visiting a Afro/Mediterranean country I am sure you'll find somewhere

Go Out

Uh huh this is the interesting part.. okai if you going to visit Cairo not any other county , you must spend at least 50% of your time @ El Haram Street just beside the Pyramids its a famous street between Golf Tourists, you'll be able to attend Theatres (mostly comedy Egyptian people value humour)


Singers umh I don't quite understand this question but Yeah there allot of famous singers since Cairo considered Arab Hollywood


Great Country to visit!!!!!!!!

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I been there so many times and i am going this summer too other half is egyption . so what u want to know about it ?

Well Cairo ( the capital) is so crowded my self I hate to stay it I go to Zaqazeeq where my mom's home is in East egypt .

about eating every where there is restraurents to eat all kind of egytion food plus other foods.

ofcourse first u have to visit " Ahramat" that takes u the whole day ... them the pra'on's musseum, take walk to azhar ... is really nice to see it first time ..... well the list will be long and long .by the way if u looking where to stay i can provide one for free ...seriously.

I will answer any question u want.



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