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Caano Geel

Man convicted of Pc's gun murder

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One of four men on trial over the death of Bradford Pc Sharon Beshenivsky has been convicted of her murder.


Pc Beshenivsky, 38, was shot dead after a bungled armed robbery last November.


_42365369_yusufjamma.pol203.jpg Jamma admitted firing the fatal shot but said it was an accident



Yusuf Abdillh Jamma, 20, of Whitmore Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, had admitted robbery and two firearms offences but denied murder.


Another defendant, Raza Ul-Haq Aslam, 25, was cleared of murder and manslaughter. The jury is still considering verdicts on two other men.


Jamma was convicted following an 11-week trial at Newcastle Crown Court.


He was found guilty of possessing a MAC-10 machine gun and a 9mm pistol with intent to endanger life, and two counts of possessing the firearms. He admitted robbery part-way through the trial.


Aslam, of St Pancras Way, Kentish Town, north London, was cleared of all charges except for robbery, and the jury will continue its deliberations on that charge.


_42365377_beshenivskywypol300.jpg Pc Sharon Beshenivsky Sharon Beshenivsky had been police officer for nine months


Brothers Faisal Razzaq, 25, and Hassan Razzaq, 26, from Sebert Road, Forest Gate, east London, were found guilty of robbery and possessing the firearms, but the jury is still deliberating on the two charges of possession of the firearms with intent to endanger life and murder.


Mr Justice Smith told the jury they could return a majority verdict of 10-1 on the other charges.


A fifth man, Muzzaker Imtiaz Shah, previously admitted murder.


Shah had also admitted robbery and firearms offences. He was cleared of the attempted murder of Pc Beshenivsky's colleague Pc Teresa Milburn earlier in the trial.


Pc Beshenivsky was shot and killed as she arrived at the Universal Express travel agents in Bradford city centre on 18 November 2005, the day of her youngest daughter's fourth birthday.


Pc Milburn was seriously injured when she was gunned down in the street as the robbers escaped with little more than £5,000.


Jamma told the jury he fired the fatal shot from the 9mm pistol, but did not intend to kill Pc Beshenivsky.




Muzzaker Shah



Muzzaker Shah pleaded guilty to murder early in the trial


He repeatedly denied the prosecution's suggestions that his version of events was a lie "to try to help Muzzaker Shah" get off the attempted murder of Pc Milburn.


Aslam told the court he had no part in the robbery or murder and was simply "in the wrong place at the wrong time."


He said he believed he was entitled to a £100,000 reward for helping police catch Pc Beshenivsky's killers because he rang Crimestoppers and passed on information.


Faisal Razzaq admitted he was round the corner from the travel agents when the shootings took place but said he was at a takeaway and denied acting as a look-out.


Hassan Razzaq was the only defendant who chose not to give evidence at the trial.


Two other suspects, Jamma's brother Mustaf and a man called Piran Ditta Khan, remain on the run from police.

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I personally know these two brothers and their family. It is tragic almost all members of this family went down the wrong path (a life of crime).

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Mustaf Jamma is thought to have returned to Somalia

Opposition MPs want an inquiry into claims a Pc Beshenivsky murder case suspect fled the UK in a Muslim veil.




Mustaf Jamma reportedly evaded Heathrow checks last year to return to Somalia. Shadow home secretary David Davis said tighter border checks were needed.


Labour MP John Denham said sensitivity around veils meant the claim could cause "huge damage".


The Home Office said the claim was unlikely to be true as women can be asked to lift veils in identity checks.


Visual checks are carried out on people arriving in the UK.


BAA, which owns and operates Heathrow airport, said it was the responsibility of individual airlines to confirm the identity of passengers at check-in and boarding gates.


The Home Office said police and immigration officers carried out checks on those leaving the UK on an "intelligence-led basis".


Human rights laws


Immigration Minister Liam Byrne said keeping paper records of all arrivals and departures, which were scrapped by the Conservatives for EU travel in 1992 and for the rest of the world by Labour in 1998, was no longer suitable.


The government wants to use details stored in biometric passports to introduce electronic border controls from 2009.


Mr Denham, a former Home Office minister, said the suggestion that a veil disguise was used, when there was no evidence to support the claim, was potentially damaging because "veils are a very sensitive issue in our society at the moment".


Mustaf Jamma was released from jail six months before Pc Beshenivsky was killed.


He was considered for deportation after his release but was allowed to stay in the UK because Somalia was thought too dangerous.


'Standard practice'


Pc Beshenivsky's widower, Paul, condemned human rights laws for preventing Mustaf Jamma's deportation.


But Mr Denham, who chairs the Home Affairs Select Committee, said the UK could not send asylum seekers back to countries "where they are likely to be killed or tortured".


"It is one of the things that marks us out as part of the club of civilised countries and we have to live with some of the really bad consequences of that, as well as the fact it enables us to hold our heads up," he said.


The wanted man is the brother of Yusuf Jamma who this week was found guilty of Pc's Beshenivsky's murder in Bradford.


We are calling for an inquiry into exactly what happened


David Davis, shadow home secretary


Some newspaper reports have suggested the 26-year-old stole his sister's passport after he was put on police wanted lists and wore a full niqab, a veil that totally obscures the face, to evade capture at the airport.


Shadow home secretary David Davis said the UK's borders "are not just porous, but non-existent".


Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg has said if the reports are true it "beggars belief" that there are no visual facial checks when a person leaves the country at an airport.


It is understood West Yorkshire Police - who have not commented on reports about the veil theory - regard it only as one of a number of possibilities.


On Tuesday the jury in the trial of four men over 38-year-old Pc Beshenivsky's death was discharged after failing to reach a verdict on a final count of robbery.


Three men have been found guilty of killing the officer, who was shot after an armed raid in Bradford in 2005. Another man had earlier admitted murder.


The jury could not decide if Raza Ul-Haq Aslam, 25 - who was cleared of murder, manslaughter and firearms offences - was guilty of robbery, and a retrial was ordered.


As well as Mustaf Jamma another man called Piran Ditta Khan, whom the prosecution alleged was the "architect of the robbery", remains on the run from police.

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so now he is enjoying caano Geel in somalia, He should be returned to face the charges..Criminal will always be criminal.I should consider of becoming a bounty hunter!

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