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Tacsiyo in Jigjiga

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Has any SOL’er ever been to a Tacsiyo in Jigjiga? I am sure some of you have been there. Those who come to the tacsiyo usually have a feast of ‘Qat’and in the ensuing mirqaan discuss about the life of the man they buried. Well, it is not uncommon to hear the following ‘elegy’ in the big tents that are erected in the compound of the next of kin of the deceased.


Yusuf: “ Alla ma ninbuu ahaa! I never forget the day he saw me sitting in front of Muqaaxida Cabdiwaaxid, and he didn’t even asked me what is wrong with me? He was so perceptive that he saw my eyes and immediately gave me full killo ‘dhaadheer’ ah. Walaahi, saan u farxay!!”


Dhega-wayne: “ Waxaana ka samrayn Mirqaan fiicnidiisa! He never messes up his ‘Qat’, never sends his hand unduly to other people’s ‘bac’, and puts his makeshift ‘findhicils ’in an orderly manner. Mirqaanoow dhimo! That majlis of us will never be the same again.”


Khadar: “ waligay waxaan maskaxdayda ka baxeyn Taqsiintiisii! This world is meaningless anymore. Waa laga sii socdaa!”


Fanax: “if it was not for him, I may have ended up in jail after I stop the breath of Islaantii Qaadka. I was so angry that I decided to beat her up when she refused to give me rubuc qaat ah. He intervened and made the deal go through on condition I pay tii hore when I get the salary.”

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Maantana ma waxanaad la soo shir tagtay? Umadyowga kale drug addict-kooda 'Sheikh' bay ugu yeeraan! Adu, you shame us all! :rolleyes:

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Abtigiis,you have reminded me of a taqsi here in our town,it was more like a wedding then a funeral.Just after the burial,the men came to eat,then Qat was distrubuted,the atmospher was buzzing! subhanallah! I dont know if they even said dua for the deceased..

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Actually yes Abtigiis I have been to a tacsi in jigjiga about 8~10 years ago a somali one and a xabashi one.


the somali one was very close to what you described but the xabashi one was very disturbing & loud with all thier crying & wailing *Waynee .. waynee*

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Maantana ma waxanaad la soo shir tagtay? Umadyowga kale drug addict-kooda 'Sheikh' bay ugu yeeraan! Adu, you shame us all! :rolleyes:

Nepthys, wixii xun lama qarsado. let us hope that bad culture leaves us. Adigu intaad dab shiddo kolba igaga bax; ood tidhaa dadka iska celi!



ka xabshida waxbaan ka qori; waa wax la yaab leh. Qaar baan habeena seexday oon safar ku tagay. Saaxiibaday oo laga dhintay awgeed.

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