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Big hips 'impair' women's memory, a study finds

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Big hips 'impair' women's memory, a study finds

Being pear-shaped may hamper brain function, the researchers believe A woman's body shape may influence how good her memory is, according to US researchers.


Although carrying excess weight anywhere appears to impair older women's brains, carrying it on the hips may make matters worse, they say.


The Northwestern Medicine team found "apple-shaped" women fared better than "pears" on cognitive tests.


But depositing fat around the waist increases the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease, experts warn.


They said the findings, in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, highlighted the importance of maintaining a healthy weight for both body and mind.


Some of the health risks associated with obesity, such as vascular disease and inflammation, may explain why people who are overweight appear to be at higher risk of dementia.


However, the latest study suggests a bit of extra fat around the waist may actually protect brain functioning.


Spare tyre


The researchers believe belly fat makes more of the female hormone oestrogen that naturally dips after the menopause.


Oestrogen is thought to help protect the brain from cognitive decline.


The study involved 8,745 post-menopausal women aged 65 to 79.


These women were asked to complete a memory test that doctors use to judge brain function. They were also weighed and measured, then scored on an obesity scale known as Body Mass Index or BMI. Over two-thirds of the women were overweight or obese.


The researchers found that for every one point increase in a woman's BMI, her memory score dropped by one point.


And pear-shaped women - those with smaller waists but bigger hips - scored particularly poorly.


The researchers say this is likely to be related to the type of fat deposited around the hips versus the waist.


Scientists already know different kinds of fat release different hormones and have varying effects on insulin resistance, lipids and blood pressure.


Lead researcher Dr Diana Kerwin said: "We need to find out if one kind of fat is more detrimental than the other, and how it affects brain function.


"The fat may contribute to the formation of plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease or a restricted blood flow to the brain."


Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said: "The pear-shape is incredibly common, and while this study doesn't explain fully the link between body shape and brain function, it surely makes the case for watching the scales.


"There is little we can do about our natural body shape, but a lot we can do about our weight.


"With so much evidence of the dangers of obesity, we could all do well to consider sensible lifestyle changes to keep our weight in check."


Source: BBC




Ileen waa waxa haweenka Somalida isugu wareernay! :D:D

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if there was any truth to this study half our women baa qafiif qabi lahaa


i agree waa khuraafaad or maybe A&T is sending subtle message to certain person iney baruurta iska rido :mad:

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frankly speaking, anigu I read this because of the picture in the article (pear-shaped) more than a belief in its scientific validity.


Yet, concidence or not, I can now recall some of islaamihii i soo maray and there is a pattern consistent with this discovery. The one who went closest to this description was Ruun, and I remember inay odhan jirtay waxaad ila balantay 3:00 galabnimo when the fact is I said to her 3;00 galabnimo ayaan meel gaadhayaaye, markaan ka soo noqdo ayaan kula soo hadli! :D

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^^ the only time aad sheegtay waa 3da, had you been consistant/sane/decent enough to actually aad qabsato waqti, such confusion maba dhacdeen


ps: why aad barida islaameed cabirka ugu qaadatay? ninyow wax ku ceshta malaga waayay OG-land? mise wadankaa adiga iyo moti oo qafiif qaba uunbaa ka yimid?

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We are debating the validity of some research walaal. Cabir majiro, laakin dee anecdotal evidences in meesha la keeno sow ma aha.

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A&T saaxiiboo see ku keentay research kaan in aad gashid?? shukhulkii JB ayaaba keentay seecamal duqa... JB aya noosoo dhajin jiray maalinkaste arinta uu habeenkii la seexan waayaya calaashaan sida uu isku xoqaayo lool



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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