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Time waa cajiib

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20 years making the same music, with the same equipment & technique. BEP sang 'Where's the love", I ask: "where's the progress"? Where are the somali singers who will revolutionize somali music? Can somali music be revolutionized or is it the same as beastly somali television which lives in a forsaken limbo of rubbishness?

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Fanka Soomaaliyeed dhibka iyo duruufaadka Soomaalida soo gaartay la qabaa labaatankaas sano lasoo mooday.


Sax, horumarka fanka hoos ayuu u dhacay, dalkiiba burburee maxaa badbaadaayo. Kahor taas fanka Soomaaliyeed horumar weyn ayuu gaarsiisanaa, hal noocna ma ahayn, oo kala nooc nooc ahaa.


Haddaa fiirisidna xilligaan kooxo iyo dhalin cusub kusoo biiray waa jiraan, keensadayna muusiko casri ah, sida Waayaha Cusub.

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