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Survey reveals Britain’s dirty habits

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Survey reveals Britain’s dirty habits

We like to poke fun at certain other nations for their questionable levels of personal hygiene, but a new survey has revealed that we Brits may be the ones in need of a good wash.


We may have a reputation for fastidiousness and cleanliness, but research by a major company has found that, when it comes to personal hygiene, some Brits leave a lot to be desired.


Hygiene and sterilising experts Milton discovered that 6.6 million people in Britain do not wash their hands after going to the toilet. The survey of 3,000 people also found that 36% of the UK population - that is 21 million people – said that they do not take a bath or shower every day, while 6% - 3.6 million people – bathe once a week and, rather shockingly, 1% - or 600,000 people – said they take a bath or shower just once a month.


The same number of people also said they only change their underwear on a monthly basis. Overall, 82% said they change their socks and underwear every day.


When it comes to food, a massive 69% said they do not wash their hands before eating, while 27% of people claim they pick up and eat food from the floor.


The survey also painted a regional picture of the nation’s hygiene standards. Of those questioned, the inhabitants of London and Scotland are the UK’s cleanest with 68% of them bathing daily, compared to just (according to the statistics anyway) just 23% of Irish and 58% of Welsh.


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London does, however, have the highest proportion of people only bathing once a month. Elsewhere, people in living in the South West of England have the best hand hygiene with 95% washing their hands after visiting the loo, closely followed by the North West at 93% and Wales at 91%. The Northern Irish ranked the lowest for hand washing; over a third do not wash their hands after going to the toilet, followed by Scotland at 15% and the Midlands at 13%.


Steven Riley, a Milton Pharmaceutical spokesperson, said: “Britain’s are often accused of being over the top in our attitudes to cleanliness but as these results show, for some the opposite is true. While not washing daily may not pose any major health threats, the lack of hand hygiene, particularly after going to the toilet and before eating could be putting people at risk of serious infections. Hands are the biggest carriers of germs and viruses, including E-coli, rotavirus, campylobacter and MRSA.”


Top hygiene tips

It is very easy to pick up germs and viruses from public surfaces left there by dirty hands. Wash your hands regularly and carry a packet of wipes or hand gel so you can keep them clean on the move.


Wash towels, clothes and linen weekly as germs can quickly build up.

Don’t pick up food dropped on the floor – even if your floor is kept really clean, it will be covered in millions of bacteria in a matter of seconds.


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After you have used a chopping board or work surface to prepare raw meat, wash the surface in warm soapy water to destroy any bacteria and prevent the cross contamination of foods.


Keep your desk or work area clean by regularly wiping it down with antibacterial wipes.

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London does, however, have the highest proportion of people only bathing once a month.

What do expect from people living in the Elizabethen era, albeit the second one. :D

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Originally posted by Cadaan:

Brits also have horrible looking teeth, might I add....

did you read the below part?:


"Of those questioned, the inhabitants of London and Scotland are the UK’s cleanest with 68% of them bathing daily, compared to just (according to the statistics anyway) just 23% of Irish..."


i like the part in brackets, how very politically correct. i bet what they just wanted to shout is "IRISH PEOPLE DON'T BLOODY BATHE!"


totally random: aren't you Irish?

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Originally posted by a display name:

quote:Originally posted by Cadaan:

Brits also have horrible looking teeth, might I add....

did you read the below part?:


"Of those questioned, the inhabitants of London and Scotland are the UK’s cleanest with 68% of them bathing daily, compared to just (according to the statistics anyway) just 23% of Irish..."


i like the part in brackets, how very politically correct. i bet what they just wanted to shout is "IRISH PEOPLE DON'T BLOODY BATHE!"


totally random: aren't you Irish?
I believe you are Irish, from your name "McCanvas" which I assume is your Irish surname smile.gif



I could be wrong, and Cadaan is an Irish fella as well

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haha, nuune, thanks for the subtle insult. where can you see McCanvas? are you a hacker? have you hacked into my SOL account and seen my empty inbox?

i do cheap art, hence McCanvas.


Is Cadaan Irish? And to think that my question just came out of nowhere with no previous knowledge of him being Irish, like knowledge obtained from Somali of the Year thread... incredible.

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Originally posted by -Lily-:

^^Says the man who lives in the land of sweaty, bad body odours. This crap doesn't apply to Muslims.

Where did you stay? :D

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Originally posted by nuune:

quote:Originally posted by a display name:


Originally posted by Cadaan:

Brits also have horrible looking teeth, might I add....

did you read the below part?:


"Of those questioned, the inhabitants of London and Scotland are the UK’s cleanest with 68% of them bathing daily, compared to just (according to the statistics anyway) just 23% of Irish..."


i like the part in brackets, how very politically correct. i bet what they just wanted to shout is "IRISH PEOPLE DON'T BLOODY BATHE!"


totally random: aren't you Irish?
I believe you are Irish, from your name "McCanvas" which I assume is your Irish surname



I could be wrong, and Cadaan is an Irish fella as well
After seeing those stats, I think I'll just say I'm Canadian. :D

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